The attached file contains a completion function for figlet[1] that I just finished writing, and I would like to donate it to the zsh distribution. I don't think I've done anything terrible, but then again, this is my first completion function, so it wouldn't be surprising if I made a few mistakes. If there's anything wrong w/ it, please let me know. I also have a few questions: regarding $opt_args Is it only set when you use the '->state' mechanism? It seems to be empty, otherwise. arguments to _arguments The following is a line from the completion function: "-d+[directory]:directory:_path_files -/" \ ^^^^^^^^^ What is the purpose of the underlined string? When might this string be useful to someone who is writing completion functions? Is their a proper name for the strings that go there? [1] a program for rendering text using ascii art fonts PS: I'm going to use this as the basis for a little article on writing completion functions. I still need to improve my understanding of how this all works, though. Zsh is so complicated... My head hurts from RTFM. Many times, I've wished for a tool like perldoc. It could be called zdoc, and you'd be able to do things like: Reading about modifiers zdoc -m :q zdoc -m :r Reading about flags zdoc -F @ zdoc -F U Reading about options zdoc -o promptsubst Reading about functions that come w/ the distribution zdoc -f _arguments zdoc -f _tags etc. just another perl hacker (spoiled by perldoc)