zsh tab complete seems to be choking on a files with ! in them, if you manually start typing the name with a double quote. Ex: % mkdir q % cd q % touch 'aaa!bbb' % touch 'aaa!ccc' % cd "aa <-- this much is typed *hit tab* % cd "aaa\! <-- what zsh changes it to *hit tab again* No matches found. It works ok if I don't put the " at the begining. But it seems to me it's a bug if at first zsh is replacing it with something it matches, then it no longer matches anything. This is with zsh 4.0.2 (included in RHL 7.2). % rpm -q zsh zsh-4.0.2-2 Someone else I told was also able to reproduce. Thanks. -- Jeremy M. Dolan PGP: 1024D/DC433DEE 494C 7A6E 19FB 026A 1F52 E0D5 5C5D 6228 DC43 3DEE