On May 02, hdp@pobox.com contorted a few electrons to say... Hans> On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 02:42:57PM -0400, joel w. reed wrote: Hans> > this patch adds a config option LISTALWAYS that if set, makes Hans> > zsh-4.0.4 always show the complete list if the completion Hans> > resulted in only a partial completion (to help the user decide Hans> > what to type next w/o the need for another TAB). Hans> > Hans> > lets say i have a directory with 2 entries: Hans> > Hans> > opal-3.0.4 Hans> > opal-4.0 Hans> > Hans> > my patched zsh will show the following after i type 'cd oTAB' Hans> > Hans> > (%:~/src) cd opal- Hans> > opal-3.0.4/ opal-4.0/ Hans> Hans> zsh already does this. Hans> Hans> see AUTO_LIST (which is on by default) and LIST_AMBIGUOUS in zshoptions. Hans> Hans> Specifically, if you setopt NO_LIST_AMBIGUOUS, the above behavior is Hans> observed. awesome! well it was nice poking around in the code for the first time anyway... jr Hans> Hans> hdp. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Joel W. Reed 412-257-3881 --------All the simple programs have been written.----------