Mandrake ships compressed modules for 2.6, currently they are completed to module.ko that modprobe does not like. Patch simply strips off everything after first dot (I do not think any module is using dot in names or vene if this is allowed). Also it adds trivial insmod support for module-init-tools enough for 2.6 (I am testing kernel module and being lazy ... :) I set styles as if [[ "$(modprobe -V 2> /dev/null)" == module-init-tools* ]]; then zstyle ':completion:*:*:insmod:*' file-patterns '*.ko:modules *(-/):directories' '*:all-files' else zstyle ':completion:*:*:insmod:*' file-patterns '*.o:modules *(-/):directories' '*:all-files' fi may be it makes sense to put in _modutils as default. regards -andrey