I've been doing some work on this new option I'm suggesting. The current name I'm leaning towards is PROMPT_SP, so that's what this patch implements. Please feel free to comment about this or suggest a better name. The patch was also changed to try to output fewer characters, and also to try to prevent mouse selection from joining a partial line with the prompt line that follows it (resulting in a lot of spaces being copied to the clipboard). So, this patch uses TCMULTRIGHT or TCRIGHT (when available) to get to (or near) the right margin, outputs 2 spaces (which might induce a wrap), and then (if save- and restore-cursor are there), it outputs two backspaces and either tries to clear-to-EOL or to delete a character before restoring the cursor position. In my testing, as long as the cursor ends up on the previous line by the backspaces, both xterm and konsole fix the selection problem using either clear-to-EOL or delete-char. However, the only way I currently know of to enable a wrappable left margin is to run zsh under screen, so suggestions are welcomed as to how to enable a soft left margin in a modern day terminal emulator. One thing I added while I was adding support for looking up the save- and restore-cursor escapes was a lookup for the backspace character ("bc" is only supposed to be set if the "bs" flag is not set, but I just made the code always look up "bc" and default the value to "\b" if it wasn't found). Since some other parts of zsh use literal \b characters, this might be overkill and it is debatable if we really need it. This patch is based on the CVS version, not my prior patch. ..wayne..