Hi, setopt autocontinue doesn't work % setopt autocontinue % [[ -o autocontinue ]] % print $? 1 That's because in function execcmd in file Src/exec.c, AUTOCONTINUE value is saved : oautocont = opts[AUTOCONTINUE]; (l 1841) command is executed, and autocontinue is then restored : opts[AUTOCONTINUE] = oautocont; (l 2679) It happens to for every command, even when command is : setopt autocontinue so, assignement works well, at line, 2678, AUTOCONTINUE is set (isset(AUTOCONTINUE) returns true), but that results is erased. What is the point of saving and restoring autocontinue in that function? Is there a way not to restore autocontinue if command was setopt autocontinue ? hope that helps arno