Attached to this message you can find a series of patches to the git completion file (installed as /usr/share/zsh/4.3.2/functions/Completion/Unix/_git, no idea where it lives in the source tree). The five patches are base upon each other and need to be applied in order. I've split them up for better readability. 0001* Removes trailing whitespace from the file. 0002* Fixes a syntax error in the completion code for git-clone. Also replaces $* with $@ in some places and fixes a TODO in _git-rev-list. 0003* Adds completion of generic git options like "git --git-dir" 0004* Ports bash's completion code for heads, tags, branches etc. to zsh. This code is *much* faster because is does not depend on the git-ls-remote command, does not require a network connection (for the same reason) and also properly handles the --git-dir argument as well as the GIT_DIR environment variable (for all git commands). Finally it rewrites the completion code of git-branch completely so that it works in all modes (list/create/delete/move branches). Ciao Dominik ^_^ ^_^ -- Dominik Vogt