On Saturday 16 February 2008, Peter Stephenson wrote: > How about the following tweak to prompts to support this? The upshot is > that you include any funny characters in %{...%G%} where the %G for > `glitch' (which may be repeated or take a numeric argument) indicates a > screen cell taken up by the sequence. Yes, I was about to try the same today morning (you have to sleep on it); but I likely would not end up with such elegant solution. > I like this because it uses > facilities that have been present in the shell for a long time and hence > was trivial to implement and might work. > > I played with this in simple cases, but would anybody like to confirm > this works in the cases that matter (and maybe produce an updated Phil's > Prompt)? I confirm that this works and updated prompt is attached. Wael, does it work for you with this patch applied? Now downside of course is, it works only with patched shell ... > To put it another way: I am happy to support this fix but > have no interest in doing anything with it myself. > > I think this is clean and useful enough that I will commit it anyway.