I hit it quite often on Mandriva cooker; I do not see any obvious post-4.3.9 commits dealing with crashes in this area. This usually happens during menu selection browsing file system. Stack trace: Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. [New process 4310] #0 0xb7b8f4d2 in domenuselect (dummy=0xb7c24374, dat=0xbff4af10) at complist.c:2433 2433 if (*p && !mmarked(*p) && **p && mselect == (**p)->gnum) (gdb) bt #0 0xb7b8f4d2 in domenuselect (dummy=0xb7c24374, dat=0xbff4af10) at complist.c:2433 #1 0x0808f09a in runhookdef (h=0xb7c24374, d=0xbff4af10) at module.c:990 #2 0xb7c0ef0d in after_complete (dummy=0xb7bd397c, dat=0xbff4b060) at compcore.c:515 #3 0xb7bc03fb in docomplete (lst=0) at zle_tricky.c:869 #4 0xb7bbc171 in completecall (args=0xb7bd3ca0) at zle_tricky.c:208 #5 0xb7bacd5d in execzlefunc (func=0xb7bd0cd8, args=0xb7bd3ca0, set_bindk=0) at zle_main.c:1292 #6 0xb7bacf8a in zlecore () at zle_main.c:1043 #7 0xb7bad5a8 in zleread (lp=0x80e97dc, rp=0x0, flags=7, context=0) at zle_main.c:1206 #8 0xb7baf427 in zle_main_entry (cmd=80, ap=0x95c5c00 "�\001") at zle_main.c:1836 #9 0x0807ca02 in zleentry (cmd=1) at init.c:1255 #10 0x080801c3 in ingetc () at input.c:278 #11 0x0807c779 in ihgetc () at hist.c:263 #12 0x08087926 in yylex () at lex.c:677 #13 0x080a3737 in parse_event () at parse.c:451 #14 0x0807e03c in loop (toplevel=1, justonce=0) at init.c:129 #15 0x0807f726 in zsh_main (argc=1, argv=0xbff4b4e4) at init.c:1406 #16 0x08052a8f in main (argc=50332124, argv=0x131) at ./main.c:93 Completion configuration: {pts/1}% zstyle -L zstyle ':completion:*:paths' accept-exact true zstyle ':completion:*' ambiguous true zstyle ':completion:*' auto-description specify: %d zstyle ':completion:*' completer _oldlist _complete _match zstyle ':completion:*:*:insmod:*' file-patterns '*.ko:modules *(-/):directories' '*:all-files' zstyle ':completion:*:*:modprobe:*' file-patterns '*.ko:modules *(-/):directories' '*:all-files' zstyle ':completion:*:*:modinfo:*' file-patterns '*.ko:modules *(-/):directories' '*:all-files' zstyle :compinstall filename /home/bor/.zshrc zstyle ':completion:*' format Completing %d zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '' zstyle ':completion:*:rsync:*' hosts ftp.uio.no ftp.sunet.se zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors 'rs=0' 'di=01;34' 'ln=01;36' 'pi=40;33' 'so=01;35' 'do=01;35' 'bd=40;33;01' 'cd=40;33;01' 'or=01;05;37;41' 'mi=01;05;37;41' 'su=37;41' 'sg=30;43' 'tw=30;42' 'ow=34;42' 'st=37;44' 'ex=01;32' '*.cmd=01;32' '*.exe=01;32' '*.com=01;32' '*.btm=01;32' '*.bat=01;32' '*.sh=01;32' '*.csh=01;32' '*.tar=01;31' '*.tgz=01;31' '*.arj=01;31' '*.taz=01;31' '*.lzh=01;31' '*.lzma=01;31' '*.zip=01;31' '*.z=01;31' '*.Z=01;31' '*.dz=01;31' '*.gz=01;31' '*.bz2=01;31' '*.bz=01;31' '*.tbz2=01;31' '*.tz=01;31' '*.lzma=01;31' '*.tlz=01;31' '*.deb=01;31' '*.rpm=01;31' '*.cpio=01;31' '*.jar=01;31' '*.rar=01;31' '*.ace=01;31' '*.zoo=01;31' '*.cpio=01;31' '*.7z=01;31' '*.rz=01;31' '*.iso=01;31' '*.jpg=01;35' '*.jpeg=01;35' '*.JPG=01;35' '*.JPEG=01;35' '*.gif=01;35' '*.bmp=01;35' '*.pbm=01;35' '*.pgm=01;35' '*.ppm=01;35' '*.tga=01;35' '*.xbm=01;35' '*.xpm=01;35' '*.tif=01;35' '*.tiff=01;35' '*.png=01;35' '*.svg=01;35' '*.svgz=01;35' '*.mng=01;35' '*.pcx=01;35' '*.mov=01;35' '*.mpg=01;35' '*.mpeg=01;35' '*.m2v=01;35' '*.mkv=01;35' '*.ogm=01;35' '*.mp4=01;35' '*.m4v=01;35' '*.mp4v=01;35' '*.vob=01;35' '*.qt=01;35' '*.nuv=01;35' '*.wmv=01;35' '*.asf=01;35' '*.rm=01;35' '*.rmvb=01;35' '*.flc=01;35' '*.avi=01;35' '*.fli=01;35' '*.flv=01;35' '*.gl=01;35' '*.dl=01;35' '*.xcf=01;35' '*.xwd=01;35' '*.yuv=01;35' '*.divx=01;35' '*.xvid=01;35' '*.asf=01;35' '*.wmv=01;35' '*.mp4=01;35' '*.3gp=01;35' '*.flv=01;35' '*.ico=01;35' '*.aac=00;36' '*.au=00;36' '*.flac=00;36' '*.mid=00;36' '*.midi=00;36' '*.mka=00;36' '*.mp3=00;36' '*.mpc=00;36' '*.ogg=00;36' '*.ra=00;36' '*.wav=00;36' '*.mp2=00;36' '*.mod=00;36' '*.xm=00;36' '*.s3m=00;36' '*.it=00;36' '*.wma=00;36' '*~=47;30' '*.bak=47;30' '*.swp=47;30' '*.bck=47;30' '*.bk=47;30' '*.old=47;30' '*.tmp=47;30' '*.save=47;30' '*.rpmsave=47;30' '*.rpmnew=47;30' zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt '%SAt %p: Hit TAB for more, or the characterto insert%s' zstyle ':completion:*' list-rows-first true zstyle ':completion:*' match-original both zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' '+r:|[._-]=** r:| =**' zstyle ':completion:*' menu 'select=0' zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true {pts/1}% setopt autopushd nobanghist cdablevars extendedglob histexpiredupsfirst histignorealldups histignoredups histreduceblanks histsavenodups ignoreeof incappendhistory interactive nolistambiguous nolistbeep menucomplete monitor printeightbit promptsubst pushdminus shinstdin zle Crash dump is there if more information is required.