On 8 января 2009 15:30:33 Peter Stephenson wrote: > Andrey Borzenkov wrote: > > I hit it quite often on Mandriva cooker; I do not see any obvious > > post-4.3.9 commits dealing with crashes in this area. This usually > > happens during menu selection browsing file system. > > There's probably not a cat's chance in hell of getting anywhere with > this (given the code it affects) unless it can be reproduced easily. The following seems to do it here: mkdir /tmp/u{1,2}/w{1,2} {pts/1}% zsh -f cooker% autoload compinit; compinit cooker% zmodload zsh/complist cooker% zstyle ':completion:*' menu 'select=0' cooker% bindkey -M menuselect "/" accept-and-infer-next-history cooker% setopt menucomplete cooker% zstyle ':completion:*' format Completing %d cooker% ls /tmp/uTAB Now you get menu selection; press two times '/' to get "Completing 'files'" (at /tmp/u1/w1/ line contents); now press undo (^_) until you get empty line; press RETURN; press 'ls /tmp/uTAB'. Zsh crashes. For some reasons crucial point is setting "format". Not only can I not make it crash without this; it seems to change the undo behaviour as well - pressing undo multiples times with and without "format" set cycles through *different* line contents.