Hi there, I recently stumbled upon the "friendly interactive shell" (fish). While I don't really like it, I was quite amazed by the way it displayes the current directory in the prompt. Basically, it only displays the tail of the path as full directory, and truncates every directory name before it to its first character. Example: /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion -> /u/s/z/f/Completion Apparently this feature was not available in zsh, so I wrote the attached function for it. As an addition to fish-like behaviour, it can also produce "tab-safe" paths, so if you take the path, paste it into a shell and press tab, it will safely expand to your current working directory. The function can be configured both via commandline arguments and zstyle. Personally, I put its output into a psvar and use it in the prompt instead of the current directory, but with the prompt_expansion option it could also be used directly in the prompt. Comments and suggestions are welcome.