Reply to message «Re: `jobs' builtin does not work with pipe in scripts», sent 04:37:18 28 November 2010, Sunday by Bart Schaefer: > Hmm, previously you reported yours as "zsh-4.3.10-r2" but I can't find > evidence that this was ever an official zsh version number. There were > a bunch of changes to the handling of MONITOR in July 2009, which is a > bit after 4.3.10 was released. That's also around the time that the > POSIX_JOBS option was added, and is the last time job control was being > changed in any noticeable way. -r2 in gentoo means that maintainer(s) had two times done something that requires package update, but have not changed mainstream version they are using. So zsh-4.3.10-r2 is zsh-4.3.10 with two ebuild updates. More information can be found here: Quote: > Ebuilds may have a Gentoo revision number associated with them. This is a -rX > suffix, where X is an integer — see File Naming Rules. This component must > only be used for Gentoo changes, not upstream releases. By default, -r0 is > implied. > > Ebuilds should have their -rX incremented whenever a change is made which will > make a substantial difference to what gets installed by the package — by > substantial, we generally mean "something for which many users would want to > upgrade". This is usually for bugfixes. > > Simple compile fixes do not warrant a revision bump; this is because they do > not affect the installed package for users who already managed to compile it. > Small documentation fixes are also usually not grounds for a new revision. > However, depending on what you want to do with the output, there are > two other ways to go about this. One is to use the $jobstates hash > from the zsh/parameter module, which maps job numbers to strings that > describe the state. Another is to use "jobs -p >>(...)" to keep the > jobs command in the foreground shell and manipulate its output in a > subshell. An third is to direct output from jobs into a file, then > read the file. Thanks, jobstates works just fine.