Hi All, Let me start by thanking the wonderful wonderful zsh devs! I've been using tcsh for the last 10 years, and recently switched over to zsh. I'm completely awestruck! Thanks a ton. I updated/modified a couple of default completion scripts, and wrote a couple of new ones. I'm attaching them to this message in case they would be useful. (Please let me know the "official" way to submit patches / bugs, and I will do so in future). Here's a brief description of the changes: _gv Added --monochrome, and options for --orientation _lp Added support for completion of printer options (e.g. after lpr -o), and values (as provided by lpoptions). _modultils Added caching for module names. Added -i, --ignore-* options. Restricted module names to those ending in *.o or *.ko (otherwise too many false positives were generated on my system). I'm not sure if *.o is necessary. [Also -- some zsh guru should look at my caching code. If you put it in the "standard" form, I'll use it in future] _okular Added non-qt/kde options, and complete all files which okular can view. (I got the list from /etc/mailcap on my system, so I'm not sure if the list is complete or not) _pdftk New completion file _pgrep New completion file (which I downloaded from the mailing list archives). I guess it's pointless to attach here. However, the completion file is quite good, and it might be helpful to new users if it was distributed by default. _subversion Added caching support. (Completion of svn is quite quite slow by default. This makes things a little faster, though things are still quite slow...) [I would call the changes I made here an "ugly hack". If someone knows a better way to speed this up, please let me know] _tex New completion file _unison New completion file _vnc Added -via option _wpa_cli New completion file _xournal New completion file (only completes filenames). _xrandr Added new options. Also made some options repeatable (e.g. --output). Completed values for displays, modes, --set and properties. (I took the completion values from my system. One may want to make these user configurable styles instead). Thanks, GI -- The 10 Commandments of DOS: 6. Thou shall edit and shuffle the sacred lines of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT until DOS functions adequately for the likes of you. Giving up in disgust is not allowed.