Reply to message «Is there some postexec function?», sent 19:39:43 06 July 2011, Wednesday by Pascal Wittmann: I personally use RPS1="%(?.."%{$'\033[33m\033[41m\033[1m'%}"%?"%{$'\033[0m'%}")" , but it will draw the exit code only in next prompt (and only in the last one). Can I ask how are you going to modify existing prompt? I know a way to modify the current line, but I don't know what to do if I want to modify the line after LF was fed to the terminal. Original message: > Hi, > > I wonder whether there exists a postexec function, a function that is > called, after a command is executed. I need something like that, because > I'm trying to print (redraw the prompt) the exit code of a program in > the prompt where it was called. > > I've found some referencesą to such a function, but they didn't worked > on my system. I'm using zsh 4.3.12. > > > Thanks for your help, > Pascal Wittmann > > > [1]