[tldr: question about printjob()] I'd like to disable the effect of PRINT_EXIT_VALUE while evaluating if/while conditions, since it's uninformative (conditions sometimes fail, that's their sine qua non) and annoying (when doing a for/if interactively and the 'if' condition is false in many iterations, the option must be disabled to prevent stderr spamming). So far I've got it working for builtins ("if false ; then : ; fi" doesn't warn, whereas in git tip it does), but not for external commands (with the patch, "if =false ; then : ; fi" still warns, but I'd like it not to warn). This is related to the MONITOR option: % if =false ; then : ; fi zsh: exit 1 =false % unsetopt monitor % if =false ; then : ; fi % I'm guessing that has something to do with printjob(), since it checks both 'jobbing' and opts[PRINTEXITVALUE], but I don't understand that function. Could I get a hint, please? Would it be correct to just slip a "&& !printexitvalue_depth" to the "if isset(PRINTEXITVALUE)" checks in printjob()? I am not sure that would be correct in the synch=0 case. Thanks, Daniel P.S. I have a few other PRINT_EXIT_VALUE -related patches queued my working drafts are at https://github.com/danielshahaf/zsh/commits/WIP/pev. (I'll submit them as usual once they're ready for inclusion.)