Hey, zsh 5.0.8 I just noticed this interesting thing: if certain hosts are listed in /etc/hosts then the ssh completion will complete _but not list_ hosts in ~/.ssh/config that have the same prefix. For example, let's take the following entries from /etc/hosts: testme-backup testme-vcenter Let's assume further that I also have the following in my ~/.ssh/config: Host testme-nagios HostName Host other-master HostName Host other-backup HostName Now typing »ssh testme-« will list testme-backup and testme-vcenter but not testme-nagios. Typing »ssh testme-n«, however, will compelte to »ssh testme-nagios«. On the other hand typing »ssh other-« will list both entries from ~/.ssh/config, other-master and other-backup. There are no entries in /etc/hosts that start with other-. Here's how to reproduce it: 1. Create the appropriate entries in /etc/hosts and ~/.ssh/config. 2. Start a shell and initialize the completion system: zsh -f autoload -Uz compinit compinit 3. Try to complete »ssh testme-« and observe the bug. Kind regards, mosu