With zsh 5.2 under Debian/unstable, zsh sometimes crashes when I do: cventin:~/software/mutt/mutt> ./configure --[TAB] cventin:~/software/mutt/mutt> gdb /usr/bin/zsh core GNU gdb (Debian 7.10-1+b1) 7.10 [...] Reading symbols from /usr/bin/zsh...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/40/ed59c9d46d5070800a6087db0691e68a1c311e.debug...done. done. warning: core file may not match specified executable file. [New LWP 695] Core was generated by `zsh'. Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. #0 0x000000000046f315 in charrefinc (x=0x6c58b8 , y=0x7fd0f708c3c4 , z=0x7ffd49191418) at ../../Src/pattern.c:1937 (gdb) bt full #0 0x000000000046f315 in charrefinc (x=0x6c58b8 , y=0x7fd0f708c3c4 , z=0x7ffd49191418) at ../../Src/pattern.c:1937 wc = 0 L'\000' ret = #1 0x0000000000472a0a in patmatch (prog=prog@entry=0xa00948) at ../../Src/pattern.c:2718 savpatinput = 0x7fd0f708c3b8 savchrop = 0xa00960 " " chin = chpa = badin = 0 badpa = 0 scan = 0xa00950 next = opnd = start = save = chrop = 0xa00960 " " chrend = 0xa00961 "" compend = savglobflags = op = no = min = fail = 0 saverrsfound = from = to = comp = nextch = #2 0x00000000004746f1 in pattryrefs (prog=prog@entry=0xa00910, string=string@entry=0x7fd0f7095b00 ' ' , "[/usr/local]llTRAPCHLD", stringlen=stringlen@entry=38, unmetalenin=unmetalenin@entry=0, patstralloc=, patstralloc@entry=0x7ffd491916d0, patoffset=patoffset@entry=0, nump=0x0, begp=0x0, endp=0x0) at ../../Src/pattern.c:2457 i = maxnpos = 0 ret = origlen = 38 sp = ep = ptr = progstr = patstralloc_struct = {unmetalen = 0, unmetalenp = 0, alloced = 0x0, progstrunmeta = 0x0, progstrunmetalen = 0} #3 0x0000000000474dff in pattrylen (prog=prog@entry=0xa00910, string=string@entry=0x7fd0f7095b00 ' ' , "[/usr/local]llTRAPCHLD", len=len@entry=38, unmetalen=unmetalen@entry=0, patstralloc=patstralloc@entry=0x7ffd491916d0, offset=offset@entry=0) at ../../Src/pattern.c:2195 No locals. #4 0x0000000000432959 in igetmatch (sp=sp@entry=0x7ffd491918d0, p=0xa00910, fl=18, n=n@entry=1, replstr=, repllistp=repllistp@entry=0x0) at ../../Src/glob.c:2842 s = t = [...] I'm attaching the full backtrace. This seems quite random: I can sometimes reproduce the crash, but not always. Ditto from the mpfr working copy (instead of mutt), so that this is not specific to some software. -- Vincent Lefèvre - Web: 100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)