I've attached the "configure --help" output for MPFR. I'm using: zstyle ':completion:*' format 'Completing %d' With zsh 5.2, I get the following, which doesn't make sense: zira:~/software/mpfr> ./configure --enable-decimal-float[Tab] Completing option --enable-decimal-float -- build conversion functions from/to decimal floats --enable-decimal-float -- explicitly disable decimal floats support One has from the "configure --help" output: --disable-decimal-float explicitly disable decimal floats support --enable-decimal-float build conversion functions from/to decimal floats [default=autodetect] And there is an inconsistency: zira:~/software/mpfr> ./configure --enable-log[Tab] gives ./configure --enable-logging [] where [] is the cursor. But zira:~/software/mpfr> ./configure --enable-gmp-int[Tab] gives: zira:~/software/mpfr> ./configure --enable-gmp-internals=[] and zira:~/software/mpfr> ./configure --enable-gmp-internals --[Tab] gives: zira:~/software/mpfr> ./configure --enable-gmp-internals --[] Completing --enable-gmp-internals instead of completing a new option. -- Vincent Lefèvre - Web: 100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)