Hi, when trying to find a solution/propper settings for the X=./{etc,bin} ; ls $X problem I decided to give the latest release aka 5.3.1 a try. However, here I get a lot of errors wrt. the default completion files e.g. for ls\t like: _arguments:360: bad math expression: operator expected at `descrs' _main_complete:341: bad math expression: operator expected at `lastdescr' _main_complete:380: bad math expression: operator expected at `comp_color...' I guess this version is somewhat closer to ksh than the current one we have on our systems (5.0.7), and therefore unbraced stuff fails. E.g. while [[ anum -le $#descrs ]]; do ... ; done Is it going to get fixed? If not, what is the best way to do and check, i.e. make sure, that all files can be used w/o getting into trouble? BTW: Also I wonder, whether while (( anum < ${#descrs} )) ; do ... ; done is a little bit faster than the [[ ]] variant. Thanx, jel. PS: 2 Attachments: my current ~/.zsh{env,rc} - there is no /etc/zshenv and /etc/zshrc just contains 'autoload -Uz compinit; compinit -i'. /etc/zprofile just exports LOGNAME PATH and set the default umask. -- Otto-von-Guericke University http://www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/ Department of Computer Science Geb. 29 R 027, Universitaetsplatz 2 39106 Magdeburg, Germany Tel: +49 391 67 52768