On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 08:24:46PM +0000, Peter Stephenson wrote: > Can't see a problem with this apart from a minor performance hit. > calloc isn't used anywhere this would be a big deal, I don't think. I > committed it, thanks. > > I suppose gcc really wants looking at too... Cheers. I honestly still am completely confused at how strlen() could in any way be related to this (and yet, it most certainly is as far as gcc is concered) and _why_ calloc() is even a viable candidate for malloc() sibling-call optimization in the first place. I am also sort of thinking this is a gcc bug, but I have no idea where to even start looking in that abyss known to some as the gcc codebase. I'll keep my ear to the ground regardless; I find it *very* hard to believe that zsh is the only codebase affected by this optimization peculiarity. -- Joey Pabalinas