On my keyboard, singlequote is too close to return and so often gets pressed by mistake.
So I've extended the sunkeyboardhack option (which removes an extraneous backquote
at the end of the command line). Now, one can put e.g.


in .zshrc to have singlequote (or any other ascii character) removed from the end of the
commandline before it is parsed. This applies only to interactive shells.
Should the character chosen be singlequote, backquote or doublequote, there also
has to be an odd number of them on the line for the last one to be removed
(since they often appear there intentionally). The old sunkeyboardhack option
still works and will make backquote the char-to-be-removed.

(I apologize for sending the patch as an attachment. It is formatted with git format-patch,
but my ISP is playing tricks that prevents me from getting sendmail to work)

/Joakim Rosqvist