Hello, I'm trying to solicite help on why my logins have suddenly started failing. I'm running Solaris 7, and using zsh 3.0.5, I think. I'm including my startlog output (from ~/.dt/startlog). I see a bunch of errors in not knowing what some of the zsh built-in commands are. I do not know why these seem to be undefined at this point in execution (or, for that matter, whether that is the cause of the Xsession to do a hang-up). I included some 'echo' statements in the .z* files so I could see when they were executed, as well as echo-ing out the $PATH value within .zshrc. I should note that I do not seem to have any etc/zsh* files; the only files are in my home directory. I did not set up thinks in $ZDOTDIR/ Any help or insights you can provide would be appreciated. Tom