#!/bin/bash # Checks that the "_svn" function defined in the specified "bash_completion" # script produces appropriate lists of completions for various incomplete svn # command lines. if [ ! -f "$1" ] || [ "$2" ]; then echo "Usage: bash_completion_test BASH_COMPLETION_PATHNAME" echo "Tests the specified \"bash_completion\" script," echo "including checking it against the \"svn\" program found in the current PATH." exit 1 fi set -e # Exit on error shopt -s extglob # Execute the script which is to be tested. . "$1" # From the given incomplete svn command, print a space-separated list of # possible completions of the last argument (or of an empty first argument # if no subcommand is given). # Usage: get_svn_completions [SVN-SUBCOMMAND [SVN-OPTION...]] get_svn_completions() { COMP_WORDS=(svn "$@") if [ $# == 0 ]; then COMP_CWORD=1 else COMP_CWORD=$# fi _svn echo -n "${COMPREPLY[*]}" } # Print a failure message, record the failure, and return "false". # Usage: fail MESSAGE fail() { PREFIX="FAIL: " for LINE in "$@"; do echo "$PREFIX$LINE" PREFIX=" " done TESTS_FAILED=1 false } # Check that EXPECTED-WORD is among the completions of the last word in # SVN-COMMAND. SVN-COMMAND is a single argument to this function, split # into multiple arguments when passed to "get_svn_completions()". # Usage: includes SVN-COMMAND EXPECTED-WORD includes() { COMPLETIONS=`get_svn_completions $1` if [[ "$2" != @(${COMPLETIONS// /|}) ]]; then fail "completions of \"svn $1\" should include \"$2\"" \ "(completions: $COMPLETIONS)" fi } excludes() { COMPLETIONS=`get_svn_completions $1` if [[ "$2" == @(${COMPLETIONS// /|}) ]]; then fail "completions of \"svn $1\" should exclude \"$2\"" \ "(completions: $COMPLETIONS)" fi } # Print the valid subcommands for "svn", one per line, sorted. # Usage: get_svn_subcommands get_svn_subcommands() { svn help | # Find the relevant lines; # remove brackets and commas; put each word on its own line. sed -n -e '1,/^Available subcommands:$/d;/^$/q' \ -e 's/[ )]//g;s/[(,]/\n/g;p' | sort } # Print the valid option switches for "svn SUBCMD", one per line, sorted. # Usage: get_svn_options SUBCMD get_svn_options() { { svn help "$1" | # Find the relevant lines; # remove brackets, "arg" and description; put each word on its own line. sed -n -e '1,/^Valid options:$/d;/^ -/!d' \ -e 's/\( arg\)* * : .*//;s/[] ]//g;s/[[]/\n/g;p' # The following options are always accepted but not listed in the help, # nor currently offered as completions. #echo "-h" #echo "--help" } | sort } # The tests. set +e # Do not exit on error TESTS_FAILED= echo "Checking general completion" includes "he" "help" includes "" "?" includes "" "h" includes "" "help" includes "" "-h" includes "" "--help" includes "" "--version" echo "Checking list of subcommands" HELP_SUBCMDS=`get_svn_subcommands | tr "\n" " "` COMPLETION_SUBCMDS=`get_svn_completions | tr " " "\n" | grep -v "^-" | sort | tr "\n" " "` if [ "$HELP_SUBCMDS" != "$COMPLETION_SUBCMDS" ]; then fail "non-option completions for \"svn \" != subcommands accepted" \ " (non-o. cmpl.: $COMPLETION_SUBCMDS)" \ " (svn accepts: $HELP_SUBCMDS)" fi echo "Checking list of options for each subcommand" for SUBCMD in $HELP_SUBCMDS; do HELP_OPTIONS=`get_svn_options $SUBCMD | tr "\n" " "` COMPLETION_OPTIONS=`get_svn_completions $SUBCMD - | tr " " "\n" | sort | tr "\n" " "` if [ "$HELP_OPTIONS" != "$COMPLETION_OPTIONS" ]; then fail "completions for \"svn $SUBCMD -\" != options accepted" \ " (completions: $COMPLETION_OPTIONS)" \ " (svn accepts: $HELP_OPTIONS)" fi done echo "Checking rejection of synonyms" excludes "diff -x -u -" "-x" excludes "diff -x -u --e" "--extensions" excludes "diff --extensions -u -" "--extensions" excludes "diff --extensions -u -" "-x" excludes "diff --extensions=-u -" "-x" if [ $TESTS_FAILED ]; then echo "FAILURE: at least one bash_completion test failed." else echo "All bash_completion tests passed." fi