#compdef abcde _arguments -s -S -A "-*" \ '(-t -T -p)-1[encode the whole CD in a single file]' \ '-a[comma-delimited list of actions to perform]:action:_sequence compadd - cddb cue read getalbumart embedalbumart normalize encode tag move replaygain playlist clean' \ '-b[enable batch mode normalization]' \ '-B[enable automatic embedding of album art with certain containers]' \ '-c+[specify an additional configuration file to parse]:config:_files' \ '-C+[resume a session when read was completed but CD is not present]:disc id:compadd abcde.*(N:e)' \ '-d+[specify CD device from which to read audio tracks]:CD device:_files -g "*(-%)" -P / -W /' \ '-D[capture debugging information]' \ '-e[erase information about encoded tracks from the internal status file]' \ '-f[force the removal of the temporary ABCDETEMPDIR directory]' \ "-g[enable lame's --nogap option]" \ '-G[download album art using the getalbumart function]' \ '(- :)-h[get help information]' \ '-j+[start specified number of encoder processes at once]:number' \ '-k[keep the wav files after encoding]' \ '-l[use the low disk space algorithm]' \ '-L[use a local CDDB repository]' \ '-m[create DOS-style playlists, modifying the resulting one by adding CRLF line endings those to work]' \ "-n[don't query CDDB database]" \ '-N[non interactive mode]' \ '-o+[select output type]:output type [vorbis]:(vorbis ogg mp3 flac spx mpc m4a wav wv ape opus mka aiff)' \ "-p[pads track numbers with 0's]" \ '-P[use Unix PIPES to read and encode in one step]' \ '-Q+[specify CD lookup methods]:lookup method [musicbrainz]:_sequence compadd - musicbrainz cddb cdtext' \ '-r+[remote encode on this comma-delimited list of machines using distmp3]:hosts:_sequence _hosts' \ '-s+[fields to be shown in the CDDB parsed entries]:field:_sequence compadd - year genre' \ '-S+[set the speed of the CD drive]:speed' \ '-t+[start the numbering of the tracks at a given number]:track-number' \ '-T+[start the numbering of the tracks at a given number and change internal tag numbering]:track-number' \ '-U[set CDDBPROTO to version 5]' \ '(- :)-v[show the version and exit]' \ '-V[be more verbose]' \ '-x[eject the CD when all tracks have been read]' \ '-X+[use an alternative "cue2discid" implementation]:cue2discid:_command_names -e' \ '-w+[add a comment to the tracks ripped from the CD]:comment' \ "-W+[concatenate CD's]:cd-number" \ '-z[debug mode]' \ '*: :_guard "^-*" "track list"'