Hello. I have some troubles with colored completion listing. 1) zsh highlights broken symlinks as unbroken. but mi color is defined and ls highlights it whith correct color. 2) zsh highlights directories like test.jpg as jpeg file color for directories is defined before *.jpg some string from my ~/.zshrc: eval $(dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors) zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} % echo ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} no=00 fi=00 di=00;34 ln=00;36 or=00;31 mi=00;31 pi=00;33 so=00;35 do=00;35 bd=00;33 cd=00;33 ex=00;32 sg=30;43 su=30;41 st=30;44 ow=31;44 tw=33;44 *.tar=00;31 *.tgz=00;31 *.svgz=00;31 *.arj=00;31 *.taz=00;31 *.lzh=00;31 *.lzma=00;31 *.zip=00;31 *.z=00;31 *.Z=00;31 *.dz=00;31 *.gz=00;31 *.bz2=00;31 *.bz=00;31 *.tbz2=00;31 *.tz=00;31 *.deb=00;31 *.rpm=00;31 *.jar=00;31 *.rar=00;31 *.ace=00;31 *.zoo=00;31 *.cpio=00;31 *.7z=00;31 *.rz=00;31 *.jpg=00;35 *.jpeg=00;35 *.gif=00;35 *.bmp=00;35 *.pbm=00;35 *.pgm=00;35 *.ppm=00;35 *.tga=00;35 *.xbm=00;35 *.xpm=00;35 *.tif=00;35 *.tiff=00;35 *.png=00;35 *.svg=00;35 *.mng=00;35 *.pcx=00;35 *.mov=00;35 *.mpg=00;35 *.mpeg=00;35 *.m2v=00;35 *.mkv=00;35 *.ogm=00;35 *.mp4=00;35 *.m4v=00;35 *.mp4v=00;35 *.vob=00;35 *.qt=00;35 *.nuv=00;35 *.wmv=00;35 *.asf=00;35 *.rm=00;35 *.rmvb=00;35 *.flc=00;35 *.avi=00;35 *.fli=00;35 *.flv=00;35 *.gl=00;35 *.dl=00;35 *.xcf=00;35 *.xwd=00;35 *.yuv=00;35 *.aac=00;36 *.au=00;36 *.flac=00;36 *.mid=00;36 *.midi=00;36 *.mka=00;36 *.mp3=00;36 *.mpc=00;36 *.ogg=00;36 *.ra=00;36 *.wav=00;36 P.S. There are two listers: ls and complist. They are very similar, but have some difference. For example ls can list directories before other files and complist can not. It will be great to use one lister for completion and for command like ls. -- sergio