#autoload local name nopt xopt format gname hidden hide match opts tag local -a ign gropt sort local -a match mbegin mend opts=() xopt=(-X) nopt=() zparseopts -K -D -a nopt 1 2 V=gropt J=ign x=xopt 3="${${3##[[:blank:]]#}%%[[:blank:]]#}" [[ -n "$3" ]] && _lastdescr=( "$_lastdescr[@]" "$3" ) zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:$1" group-name gname && [[ -z "$gname" ]] && gname="$1" _setup "$1" "${gname:--default-}" name="$2" zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:$1" format format || zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:descriptions" format format if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:$1" hidden hidden && [[ "$hidden" = (all|yes|true|1|on) ]]; then [[ "$hidden" = all ]] && format='' opts=(-n) fi zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:$1" matcher match && opts=($opts -M "$match") [[ -n "$_matcher" ]] && opts=($opts -M "$_matcher") # Use sort style, but ignore `menu' value to help _expand. # Also don't override explicit use of -V. if [[ -z "$gropt" ]]; then if zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:$1" sort sort || zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:" sort sort then if [[ -z "${(@)sort:#(match|numeric|reverse)}" ]]; then gropt=( -o ${(j.,.)sort} ) elif [[ "$sort" != (yes|true|1|on|menu) ]]; then gropt=( -o nosort ) fi fi else gropt=( -o nosort ) fi if [[ -z "$_comp_no_ignore" ]]; then zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:$1" ignored-patterns _comp_ignore || _comp_ignore=() if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:$1" ignore-line hidden; then local -a qwords qwords=( ${words//(#m)[\[\]()\\*?#<>~\^\|]/\\$MATCH} ) case "$hidden" in true|yes|on|1) _comp_ignore+=( $qwords );; current) _comp_ignore+=( $qwords[CURRENT] );; current-shown) [[ "$compstate[old_list]" = *shown* ]] && _comp_ignore+=( $qwords[CURRENT] );; other) _comp_ignore+=( $qwords[1,CURRENT-1] $qwords[CURRENT+1,-1] );; esac fi # Ensure the ignore option is first so we can override it # for fake-always. (( $#_comp_ignore )) && opts=( -F _comp_ignore $opts ) else _comp_ignore=() fi tag="$1" shift 2 if [[ -z "$1" && $# -eq 1 ]]; then format= elif [[ -n "$format" ]]; then if [[ -z $2 ]]; then argv+=( h:${1%%( ##\((#b)([^\)]#[^0-9-][^\)]#)(#B)\)|)( ##\((#b)([0-9-]##)(#B)\)|)( ##\[(#b)([^\]]##)(#B)\]|)} H:1 ) [[ -n $match[1] ]] && argv+=( m:$match[1] M:1 ) [[ -n $match[2] ]] && argv+=( r:$match[2] R:1 ) [[ -n $match[3] ]] && argv+=( o:$match[3] O:1 ) fi zformat -f format "$format" "d:$1" "${(@)argv[2,-1]}" fi if [[ -n "$gname" ]]; then if [[ -n "$format" ]]; then set -A "$name" "$opts[@]" "$nopt[@]" "$gropt[@]" -J "$gname" "$xopt" "$format" else set -A "$name" "$opts[@]" "$nopt[@]" "$gropt[@]" -J "$gname" fi else if [[ -n "$format" ]]; then set -A "$name" "$opts[@]" "$nopt[@]" "$gropt[@]" -J -default- "$xopt" "$format" else set -A "$name" "$opts[@]" "$nopt[@]" "$gropt[@]" -J -default- fi fi if ! (( ${funcstack[2,-1][(I)_description]} )); then local fakestyle descr for fakestyle in fake fake-always; do zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:$tag" $fakestyle match || continue descr=( "${(@M)match:#*[^\\]:*}" ) opts=("${(@P)name}") if [[ $fakestyle = fake-always && $opts[1,2] = "-F _comp_ignore" ]]; then shift 2 opts fi compadd "${(@)opts}" - "${(@)${(@)match:#*[^\\]:*}:s/\\:/:/}" (( $#descr )) && _describe -t "$tag" '' descr "${(@)opts}" done fi return 0