#compdef lz4 lz4c lz4c32 lz4cat unlz4 # Notes: # - All lz4 CLI tools take the same options — you can do `unlz4 --compress` if # you want — and we complete accordingly. One can make a reasonable argument # that we shouldn't, but...? # - The only exceptions to the above are the legacy compression options (-c0, # -hc, and so on) — only lz4c accepts these. Each of these options is # interpreted separately otherwise (e.g., -c0 becomes equivalent to -c -0) # - All these tools use a non-standard option-handling method that we don't # fully support. For example, the tool will let you do things like `-b1e3i3` # instead of `-b1 -e3 -i3` — we won't local ret=1 local -a context line state state_descr expl args levels=( -{1..16} ) local -A opt_args val_args args=( + excl # Fully exclusive options '(: -)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' '(: -)-H[display long help information]' '(: -)'{-V,--version}'[display version information]' + misc # Misc. arguments '(-q -v --quiet --verbose)*'{-q,--quiet}'[reduce output verbosity]' '(-q -v --quiet --verbose)*'{-v,--verbose}'[increase output verbosity]' '*::: :->files' + B # Benchmark/compress-mode options (not allowed with legacy format) '(d t -l)*-B-[specify block property]: :->block-props' '(d t -l --no-content-size)--content-size[record original uncompressed size]' '(d t -l --no-frame-crc)--frame-crc[enable content checksum]' '(d t -l --content-size)--no-content-size[do not record original uncompressed size]' '(d t -l --frame-crc)--no-frame-crc[disable content checksum]' '(d t -l --sparse)--no-sparse[disable sparse-file support]' '(d t -l --no-sparse)--sparse[enable sparse-file support]' + C # Compress/decompress-mode options '(b t -c --stdout --to-stdout)'{-c,--stdout}'[write on standard output]' '(b t -y)'{-f,--force}'[overwrite target without prompting, or cat on standard output]' '(b t -k --keep --rm)'{-k,--keep}'[keep source file]' '(b t -m -r --multiple)'{-m,--multiple}'[take multiple input files]' '!(b -t -f -y --force)--no-force' '(b t -m --multiple)-r[operate recursively on directories]' '(b t -k --keep)--rm[remove source file]' '!(b t -c --stdout)--to-stdout' + b # Benchmark-mode options '(C c d t)-b-[benchmark file using specified compression level]:: :->levels' '(C c d t)-e-[specify upper compression level limit (with -b)]: :->levels' '(C c d t)-i-[specifiy minimum evaluation time (with -b)]:evaluation time (seconds)' + c # Compress-mode options "(b d t ${(j< >)levels} -c0 -c1 -c2 -hc)"${^levels} '(B b d t -m -r --multiple)-l[compress using legacy (Linux kernel) format]' '(b d t -z --compress)'{-z,--compress}'[compress file]' + d # Decompress-mode options '(B b c d t)'{-d,--decompress}'[decompress file]' '!(B b c d t)--uncompress' + t # Test-mode options '(B C b c d t)'{-t,--test}'[test integrity of compressed file]' ) [[ $service == lz4c ]] && args+=( + l # Legacy compress-mode options (not to be confused with the legacy format) "(b d t ${(j< >)levels} -c1 -c2 -hc)-c0[use fast compression (like -0)]" "(b d t ${(j< >)levels} -c0 -c2 -hc)-c1[use high compression (like -9)]" "(b d t ${(j< >)levels} -c0 -c1 -c2 -hc)"{-c2,-hc}'[use very high compression (like -12)]' '(b t -f --force)-y[overwrite target without prompting]' ) _arguments -s -S : $args && ret=0 case $state in block-props) # The usage help indicates that the use of an explicit byte value (-B32 or # greater) is only for benchmarking, and indeed when such a value is given # the tool prints a message prefixed with 'bench:'... but there is nothing # that actually restricts this to the benchmark mode, so...? _values 'predefined block property or block size in bytes (32+)' \ '4[set block size to 64 KiB]' \ '5[set block size to 256 KiB]' \ '6[set block size to 1 MiB]' \ '7[set block size to 4 MiB]' \ 'D[enable block dependency]' \ 'X[enable block checksum]' \ && ret=0 ;; files) if (( CURRENT == 1 )) || [[ -n ${opt_args[(i)*-(-b|-m|-r|--multiple)]} ]] then if [[ -n ${opt_args[(i)*--r]} ]]; then _description files expl 'input file or directory' else _description files expl 'input file' fi _files "${(@)expl}" && ret=0 elif (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _description files expl 'output file' _files "${(@)expl}" && ret=0 else _message 'no more arguments' && ret=0 fi ;; levels) _wanted -2V levels expl 'compression level' \ compadd - ${(@on)levels//-/} \ && ret=0 ;; esac return ret