#compdef -P pip[0-9.]# # # Completion script for pip (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip). # # Taken from https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-completions/commit/890f3701 # (where it got removed). Original source: # https://github.com/technolize/zsh-completion-funcs. # # Currently maintained in https://gist.github.com/blueyed/54a257c411310a28805a. local ret=1 state # Setup $python, based on pip version from word[1]. # Must get done early, otherwise $words might have been changed already. local python pip pip=${words[1]} python=${${pip}/pip/python} [[ $python == $pip ]] && python=python # The index(es) to use. The simple index only provides a full list, while # the xmlrpc index can be queried by "last updated in". # This should be probably made configurable through zstyle and then be used # in the cache name. # For the xmlrpc index, the "days" could be made configurable typeset -a ZSH_PIP_INDEXES ZSH_PIP_XMLRPC_INDEXES # ZSH_PIP_INDEXES=(https://pypi.python.org/simple/) ZSH_PIP_XMLRPC_INDEXES=(https://pypi.python.org/pypi) local ZSH_PIP_XMLRPC_INDEX_DAYS=365 # Get all packages from (remote) ZSH_PIP_INDEXES. _pip_all() { _pip_set_cache_policy if ( ! (( $+_zsh_all_pkgs )) || _cache_invalid pip_allpkgs ) && ! _retrieve_cache pip_allpkgs; then typeset -a -g _zsh_all_pkgs _zsh_all_pkgs=() # Build XMLPC request to pypi.python.org to get a list of packages updated # in the last year. This is meant to reduce the number of packages. local ts_1year=$(date +%s -d @$(( $(date +%s) - 86400 * ZSH_PIP_XMLRPC_INDEX_DAYS ))) local xml_req="updated_releases${ts_1year}" for xmlrpc_index in $ZSH_PIP_XMLRPC_INDEXES; do _zsh_all_pkgs+=( $(echo $xml_req | curl -s -d @- -H "Content-Type: text/xml" $xmlrpc_index \ | sed -n '/^/p' | sed -n '1~2 s/^//p' | sed -n 's/<\/string><\/value>$//p' \ | tr '\n' ' ') ) done for index in $ZSH_PIP_INDEXES; do # All packages, more than 54000! _zsh_all_pkgs+=( $(curl -s $index \ | sed -n '/\([^<]\{1,\}\).*/\1/p' \ | tr '\n' ' ') ) done _store_cache pip_allpkgs _zsh_all_pkgs fi } # Get installed packages, using pips completion interface. _pip_installed() { _pip_set_cache_policy if ( ! (( $+_zsh_installed_pkgs )) || _cache_invalid pip_installedpkgs ) && ! _retrieve_cache pip_installedpkgs; then typeset -a -g _zsh_installed_pkgs # _zsh_installed_pkgs=($($pip freeze | cut -d '=' -f 1)) _zsh_installed_pkgs=($(COMP_WORDS="pip uninstall" COMP_CWORD="2" PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE=1 $pip)) _store_cache pip_installedpkgs _zsh_installed_pkgs fi } _pip_set_cache_policy() { local cache_policy zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy cache_policy if [[ -z "$cache_policy" ]]; then zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy _pip_caching_policy fi } _pip_caching_policy() { if [[ ${1:t} == pip_allpkgs ]]; then # rebuild if cache is more than two weeks old local -a oldp oldp=( "$1"(Nm+14) ) (( $#oldp )) else # pip_installedpkgs # Compare cache file's timestamp to the most recently modified sys.path entry. # This gets changed/touched when installing removing packages. local newest_sys_path=$($python -c ' import sys from os.path import exists, getmtime print(sorted(sys.path, key=lambda x: exists(x) and getmtime(x))[-1])') [[ $newest_sys_path -nt $1 ]] fi } local -a common_ops common_ops=( {-h,--help}"[show help]" {-v,--verbose}"[give more output]" {-V,--version}"[show version and exit]" {-q,--quiet}"[give less output]" "--log=[log file where a complete record will be kept]:file" "--proxy=[specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port]:proxy" "--timeout=[set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)]:second" "--exists-action=[default action when a path already exists: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup]:action" "--cert=[path to alternate CA bundle]:path" ) _directories () { _wanted directories expl directory _path_files -/ "$@" - } _requirements_file () { # Prefer requirement* and *.txt pattern. This should fall back to "all files", according to the file-patterns style. _wanted files expl file _files -g 'requirement*' -g '*.txt' "$@" - } typeset -A opt_args _arguments \ ':subcommand:->subcommand' \ $common_ops \ '*::options:->options' && ret=0 case $state in subcommand) local -a subcommands subcommands=( "install:install packages" "uninstall:uninstall packages" "freeze:put all currently installed packages" "list:list installed packages" "show:show information about installed packages" "search:search pypi" "wheel:build wheels from your requirements" "zip:zip dividual packages" "unzip:unzip undividual packages" "bundle:create pybundle" "help:show available commands" ) _describe -t subcommands 'pip subcommand' subcommands && ret=0 ;; options) local -a args args=( $common_ops ) local -a pi_ops pi_ops=( {-i,--index-url=}"[base URL of Python Package Index]:URL" "--extra-index-url=[extra URLs of package indexes to use in addition to --index-url]:URL" "--no-index[ignore package index (only looking at --find-links URLs instead)]" {-f,--find-links=}"[URL to look for packages at]:URL" {-M,--use-mirrors}"[use the PyPI mirrors as a fallback in case the main index is down]" "--mirrors=[specific mirror URLs to query when --use-mirrors is used]:URL" "--allow-external=[allow the installation of externally hosted files]:package" "--allow-all-external[allow the installation of all externally hosted files]" "--no-allow-external[disallow the installation of all externally hosted files]" "--allow-insecure=[allow the installation of insecure and unverifiable files]:package" "--no-allow-insecure[disallow the installation of insecure and unverifiable files]" ) case $words[1] in install | bundle) args+=( {-e,--editable=}"[install a package directly from a checkout]:directory or VCS+REPOS_URL[@REV]#egg=PACKAGE:_files -/" {-r,--requirement=}"[install all the packages listed in the given requirements file]:requirements file:_requirements_file" {-b,--build=}"[unpack packages into DIR]:directory:_directories" {-t,--target=}"[install packages into DIR]:directory:_directories" {-d,--download=}"[download packages into DIR instead of installing them]:directory:_directories" "--download-cache=[cache downloaded packages in DIR]:directory:_directories" "--src=[check out --editable packages into DIR]:directory:_directories" {-U,--upgrade}"[upgrade all packages to the newest available version]" "--force-reinstall[when upgrading, reinstall all packages even if they are already up-to-date]" {-I,--ignore-installed}"[ignore the installed packages]" "--no-deps[don't install package dependencies]" "--no-install[download and unpack all packages, but don't actually install them]" "--no-download[don't download any packages, just install the ones already downloaded]" "--install-option=[extra arguments to be supplied to the setup.py install command]:options" "--global-option=[Extra global options to be supplied to the setup.py call before the install command]:options" "--user[install using the user scheme]" "--egg[install as self contained egg file, like easy_install does]" "--root=[Install everything relative to this alternate root directory]:directory:_directories" "--use-wheel[find and prefer wheel archives when searching indexes and find-links locations]" "--pre[include pre-release and development versions]" "--no-clean[don't clean up build directories]" ':package name:->pkgs_all' $pi_ops ) ;; uninstall) args+=( {-r,--requirement=}"[install all the packages listed in the given requirements file]::requirements file:_requirements_file" {-y,--yes}"[don't ask for confirmation of uninstall deletions]" ':installed package:->pkgs_installed' ) ;; freeze) args+=( {-r,--requirement=}"[install all the packages listed in the given requirements file]::requirements file:_requirements_file" {-f,--find-links=}"[URL to look for packages at]:URL" {-l,--local}"[If in a virtualenv that has global access, do not list globally-installed packages]" ) ;; list) args+=( {-o,--outdated}"[list outdated packages (excluding editables)]" {-u,--uptodated}"[list uptodated packages (excluding editables)]" {-e,--editable}"[list editable projects]" {-l,--local}"[If in a virtualenv that has global access, do not list globally-installed packages]" "--pre[include pre-release and development versions]" $pi_ops ) ;; show) args+=( {-f,--files}"[show the full list of installed files for each package]" ':installed package:->pkgs_installed' ) ;; search) args+=( "--index[base URL of Python Package Index]:URL" ) ;; wheel) args+=( {-w,--wheel-dir=}"[build wheels into DIR, where the default is '/wheelhouse']:directory:_directories" "--use-wheel[find and prefer wheel archives when searching indexes and find-links locations]" "--build-option=[extra arguments to be supplied to 'setup.py bdist_wheel']:options" {-r,--requirement=}"[install all the packages listed in the given requirements file]::requirements file:_requirements_file" "--download-cache=[cache downloaded packages in DIR]:directory:_directories" "--no-deps[don't install package dependencies]" {-b,--build=}"[directory to unpack packages into and build in]:directory:_directories" "--global-option=[extra global options to be supplied to the setup.py call before the 'bdist_wheel' command]:options" "--pre[include pre-release and development versions]" "--no-clean[don't clean up build directories]" $pi_ops ) ;; unzip | zip) args+=( "--unzip[unzip a package]" "--no-pyc[do not include .pyc files in zip files]" {-l,--list}"[list the packages available, and their zip status]" "--sort-files[with --list, sort packages according to how many files they contain]" "--path=[restrict operation to the given paths]:paths" {-n,--simulate}"[do not actually perform the zip/unzip operation]" ) ;; esac _arguments $args && ret=0 # Additional state for expensive actions. case $state in pkgs_all) _pip_all _wanted _zsh_all_pkgs expl 'packages' compadd -a _zsh_all_pkgs && ret=0 ;; pkgs_installed) _pip_installed _wanted _zsh_installed_pkgs expl 'installed packages' compadd -a _zsh_installed_pkgs && ret=0 ;; esac ;; esac return ret # Local Variables: # mode: Shell-Script # sh-indentation: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # sh-basic-offset: 2 # End: # vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et