# Tests for completion system. %prep ZSH_TEST_LANG=$(ZTST_find_UTF8) if ( zmodload zsh/zpty 2>/dev/null ); then . $ZTST_srcdir/comptest mkdir comp.tmp cd comp.tmp comptestinit -z $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh && { comptesteval 'compdef _tst tst' mkdir dir1 && mkdir dir2 && touch file1 && touch file2 } else ZTST_unimplemented="the zsh/zpty module is not available" fi %test comptest $': \t\t\t\t\t\t\t' 0:directories and files >line: {: }{} >DESCRIPTION:{file} >DI:{dir1} >DI:{dir2} >FI:{file1} >FI:{file2} >line: {: dir1/}{} >line: {: dir2/}{} >line: {: file1}{} >line: {: file2}{} >line: {: dir1/}{} >line: {: dir2/}{} comptest $': *\t\t\t\t\t\t' 0:_expand shows file types >line: {: dir1/}{} >DESCRIPTION:{expansions} >DI:{dir1} >DI:{dir2} >FI:{file1} >FI:{file2} >DESCRIPTION:{all expansions} >NO:{dir1 dir2 file1 file2} >DESCRIPTION:{original} >NO:{*} >line: {: dir2/}{} >line: {: file1 }{} >line: {: file2 }{} >line: {: dir1 dir2 file1 file2 }{} >line: {: *}{} comptesteval $'zstyle \'*\' glob no' comptesteval $'typeset -g tst=(*)' comptest $': $tst\C-D' 0:_expand preserves array form >DESCRIPTION:{expansions} >NO:{dir1} >NO:{dir2} >NO:{file1} >NO:{file2} comptesteval 'tst-insert() { compstate[insert]=1; compstate[list]= }' comptesteval 'comppostfuncs=( tst-insert )' comptest $': dir1\ebf\t' 0:_prefix with compstate[insert]=1 does not move to end >line: {: file1}{dir1} comptesteval 'unfunction tst-insert' comptesteval 'comppostfuncs=()' comptest $': dir1\ebf\t\t\t\t' 0:_prefix inserts unambiguous and does not move to end >line: {: file}{dir1} >line: {: file}{dir1} >DESCRIPTION:{file} >FI:{file1} >FI:{file2} >line: {: file1}{dir1} >line: {: file2}{dir1} comptesteval $'zstyle -d \'*\' glob' comptesteval '_users () { compadd user1 user2 }' comptest $': ~\t\t\t\t\t' 0:tilde >line: {: ~user}{} >line: {: ~user}{} >NO:{user1} >NO:{user2} >line: {: ~user1}{} >line: {: ~user2}{} >line: {: ~user1}{} comptesteval 'zsh_directory_name() { compadd "$expl[@]" -- name/1 name2 }' comptest $': ~[\t\t\t\t' 0:dynamic directory names after ~[ >line: {: ~[name}{} >line: {: ~[name}{} >DESCRIPTION:{dynamically named directory} >NO:{name/1} >NO:{name2} >line: {: ~[name/1]}{} >line: {: ~[name2]}{} comptest $': ~[]\C-b\t\t\t\t' 0:dynamic directory names inside ~[...] >line: {: ~[name}{]} >line: {: ~[name}{]} >DESCRIPTION:{dynamically named directory} >NO:{name/1} >NO:{name2} >line: {: ~[name/1}{]} >line: {: ~[name2}{]} comptest $'echo ;:\C-b\C-b\t' 0:directories and files before separator >line: {echo }{;:} >DESCRIPTION:{file} >DI:{dir1} >DI:{dir2} >FI:{file1} >FI:{file2} # Temporarily modify format set in comptest comptesteval 'zstyle -s ":completion:*:descriptions" format oldfmt' comptesteval 'zstyle ":completion:*:descriptions" format \ ${oldfmt/>*%5F123abc%f %B123abc%b<}' comptest $': \t' comptesteval 'zstyle ":completion:*:descriptions" format $oldfmt' 0:custom description with formatting sequences >line: {: }{} *>DESCRIPTION:{*123abc*123abc*~*F123*} >DI:{dir1} >DI:{dir2} >FI:{file1} >FI:{file2} F:regression test workers/42164 # Depends on path assignment in comptestinit comptesteval "path=( $ZTST_srcdir:A )" comptest $'zt\t' 0:command >line: {ztst.zsh }{} comptesteval "path=( $ZTST_srcdir:A )" comptest $':;zt\t' 0:command after separator >line: {:;ztst.zsh }{} F:regression test workers/32182 comptest $'for f in 1; do < x\C-b\C-b\t' 0:redirection after "for ...; do" >line: {for f in 1; do <}{ x} >DESCRIPTION:{file} >DI:{dir1} >DI:{dir2} >FI:{file1} >FI:{file2} F:regression test workers/31611 { mkdir 'A(B)' 'A(B)/C' comptest $'cd "A(B)\t\t' comptesteval 'cd "A(B)/C"' comptest $'cd ../\t' } always { comptesteval 'cd -' # Reset CWD rmdir 'A(B)/C' 'A(B)' } 0:directory name is not a glob qualifier >line: {cd "A(B)/}{} >line: {cd "A(B)/C/}{} >line: {cd ../C/}{} comptesteval '_tst() { compset -p 1; _message "${(qq)IPREFIX} ${(qq)PREFIX}" }' comptest $'tst .\t' 0:remove exact number of characters from a prefix >line: {tst .}{} >MESSAGE:{'.' ''} comptesteval '_tst() { compset -s 3; _message "${(qq)SUFFIX} ${(qq)ISUFFIX}" }' comptest $'tst 123\eb\t' 0:remove exact number of characters from a suffix >line: {tst }{123} >MESSAGE:{'' '123'} comptesteval '_tst() { compset -p 2; compset -p 3;compset -s 2;compset -s 3; _message "${(qq)PREFIX} ${(qq)SUFFIX}" }' comptest $'tst 12345678\e4\C-b\t' 0:try to remove excess characters from prefix and suffix >line: {tst 1234}{5678} >MESSAGE:{'34' '56'} if [[ -z $ZSH_TEST_LANG ]]; then ZTST_skip="no UTF-8 locale for multibyte completion test" else comptesteval '_tst() { compset -p 1; _message "${(qq)IPREFIX} ${(qq)PREFIX}" }' comptest $'tst €100\t' fi 0:remove multibyte character from a prefix >line: {tst €100}{} >MESSAGE:{'€' '100'} comptesteval "_tst() { compadd -U -s : -S / -I . word; compstate[to_end]= }" comptest $'tst .\C-b\t' 0:allow for suffixes when moving cursor to end of match (with ignored suffix) >line: {tst word:/}{.} comptesteval "_tst() { compadd -s : -S / word; compstate[to_end]= }" comptest $'tst \t' 0:allow for suffixes when moving cursor to end of match (without ignored suffix) >line: {tst word:/}{} # Test for regression introduced by workers/41242, raised in workers/43842 if [[ $OSTYPE = cygwin ]]; then ZTST_skip="\\ is equivalent to / in pathname on cygwin" else { mkdir sortnobslash touch sortnobslash/{'!foo','#foo','\foo','|foo','~foo',Afoo,bfoo} comptesteval 'old_LC_ALL=$LC_ALL; LC_ALL=C' comptest $': sortnobslash/\t' } always { comptesteval 'LC_ALL=$old_LC_ALL' rm -rf sortnobslash } fi 0:ignore backslashes when sorting completion matches >line: {: sortnobslash/}{} >DESCRIPTION:{file} >FI:{\!foo} >FI:{\#foo} >FI:{Afoo} >FI:{\\foo} >FI:{bfoo} >FI:{\|foo} >FI:{\~foo} comptesteval "_tst() { compadd -onum,rev -J versions r1.10 r1.1 r1.2 r2.3 r2.34 }" comptest $'tst r\t' 0:reverse numeric sorting of matches >line: {tst r}{} >NO:{r2.34} >NO:{r2.3} >NO:{r1.10} >NO:{r1.2} >NO:{r1.1} comptesteval "_tst() { local expl; _wanted times expl time compadd -o match r1.10 r1.2 r2.3 r2.34 }" comptesteval "zstyle ':completion:*:tst:*' sort reverse numeric" comptest $'tst r\t' 0:reverse numeric sorting of matches via a style >line: {tst r}{} >DESCRIPTION:{time} >NO:{r2.34} >NO:{r2.3} >NO:{r1.10} >NO:{r1.2} comptesteval "_tst() { local disp=(a b c); compadd -o -J letters -d disp 3 2 1 }" comptest $'tst \t' 0:sort in match rather than display name order >line: {tst }{} >NO:{c} >NO:{b} >NO:{a} comptesteval "_tst() { local expl; _wanted times expl time compadd 3am 12pm 3pm 10pm }" comptesteval "zstyle ':completion:*:tst:*' sort false" comptest $'tst \t' 0:sorting disabled via the sort style >line: {tst }{} >DESCRIPTION:{time} >NO:{3am} >NO:{12pm} >NO:{3pm} >NO:{10pm} comptesteval "_tst() { _arguments ':desc:_sequence compadd - 1 2 3' }" comptesteval "zstyle ':completion:*:tst:*' ignored-patterns 2" comptest $'tst 1,\t' comptesteval "zstyle -d ':completion:*:tst:*' ignored-patterns" 0:-F does not break _sequence >line: {tst 1,}{} >DESCRIPTION:{desc} >NO:{2} >NO:{3} comptest $'a=() b=(\t' 0:multiple envarrays >line: {a=() b=(}{} >DESCRIPTION:{file} >DI:{dir1} >DI:{dir2} >FI:{file1} >FI:{file2} comptesteval "typeset -a bar=({$'\\0'..$'\\C-?'})" comptesteval 'typeset -A bat=( "$bar[@]" )' comptesteval 'typeset bay="$bar"' comptesteval 'zstyle ":completion:*:parameters" extra-verbose yes' comptesteval 'zstyle ":completion:*" fake-parameters bar bat bay' comptest $': $ba\t' 0:extra-verbose shows parameter values >line: {: $ba}{} >DESCRIPTION:{parameter} >NO:{bar -- ( '^@' '^A' '^B' '^C' '^D' '^E' '^F' '^G' '^H' '\t' '\n' '^K' '^L' '} >NO:{bat -- ( [' ']='!' ['"']='#' ['$']=% ['&']=\' ['(']=')' ['*']=+ [,]=- [.]=/} >NO:{bay -- '^@ ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F ^G ^H \t \n ^K ^L ^M ^N ^O ^P ^Q ^R ^S ^T ^U ^} comptesteval "path=( $ZTST_srcdir:A )" comptesteval 'typeset -H paths=HIDDEN' comptest $': $path\t' 0:extra-verbose doesn't show special or hidden parameter values >line: {: $path}{} >DESCRIPTION:{parameter} >NO:{path} >NO:{paths} comptesteval 'zstyle -d ":completion:*:parameters" extra-verbose' comptest $': $ba\t' 0:parameter values not shown without extra-verbose >line: {: $ba}{} >DESCRIPTION:{parameter} >NO:{bar} >NO:{bat} >NO:{bay} comptesteval '_tst() { local disp=( {a..z} ); compadd -ld disp $disp[@]; comppostfuncs=( _pst ) }' comptesteval '_pst() { local disp=( "$compstate[insert]" ); compadd -Qld disp $disp }' comptesteval "zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=long-list" # This test is sensitive to sorting differences across platforms comptesteval 'export LC_ALL=C' comptest $'tst \C-d' comptesteval "export LC_ALL=${(q)ZSH_TEST_LANG}" 0: menu select=long-list starts menu selection for list widgets >NO:{menu} >NO:{a} >NO:{b} >NO:{c} >NO:{d} >NO:{e} >NO:{f} >NO:{g} >NO:{h} >NO:{i} >NO:{j} >NO:{k} >NO:{l} >NO:{m} >NO:{n} >NO:{o} >NO:{p} >NO:{q} >NO:{r} >NO:{s} >NO:{t} >NO:{u} >NO:{v} >NO:{w} >NO:{x} >NO:{y} >NO:{z} %clean zmodload -ui zsh/zpty