Hello, this is the first time I am using mailing lists, don't be mad at me if I do something wrong.
Sorry for errors, English is not my native language.

I found a bug in zsh:

If I add this line to the top of /etc/passwd (before the "root" line, also works with other UIDs):

After logging in as "root" (so environment will be good, as in this case "root" line is used for login), and running this commands:
mkdir -p '/home/Студент'
env -i LANG=C.UTF-8 zsh -fc 'cd; echo "$USERNAME | ${(%):-%n} | $LOGNAME"'

I will get:
�т��ент | Ст\M-Q\M-p\M-4ент | Студент

Instead of:
Студент | Студент | Студент

As we can see, $LOGNAME is fine, but $USERNAME and %n are bad.


Also, probably related, zcompile don't work on cyryllic paths:
touch '/home/Студент/.zc/.zcompdump-5.9'
zcompile '/home/Студент/.zc/.zcompdump-5.9'

Results in:
zcompile: can't write zwc file: /home/Студент/.zc/.zcompdump-5.9.zwc