# Tests for the module zsh/mathfunc %prep if ( zmodload -i zsh/mathfunc ) >/dev/null 2>&1; then zmodload -i zsh/mathfunc else ZTST_unimplemented="The module zsh/mathfunc is not available." fi %test # -g makes pi available in later tests float -gF 5 pi (( pi = 4 * atan(1.0) )) print $pi 0:Basic operation with atan >3.14159 float -F 5 result (( result = atan(3,2) )) print $result 0:atan with two arguments >0.98279 print $(( atan(1,2,3) )) 1:atan can't take three arguments ?(eval):1: wrong number of arguments: atan(1,2,3) float r1=$(( rand48() )) float r2=$(( rand48() )) float r3=$(( rand48() )) # Yes, this is a floating point equality test like they tell # you not to do. As the pseudrandom sequence is deterministic, # this is the right thing to do in this case. if (( r1 == r2 )); then print "Seed not updated correctly the first time" else print "First two random numbers differ, OK" fi if (( r2 == r3 )); then print "Seed not updated correctly the second time" else print "Second two random numbers differ, OK" fi 0:rand48 with default initialisation F:This test fails if your math library doesn't have erand48(). >First two random numbers differ, OK >Second two random numbers differ, OK seed=f45677a6cbe4 float r1=$(( rand48(seed) )) float r2=$(( rand48(seed) )) seed2=$seed float r3=$(( rand48(seed) )) float r4=$(( rand48(seed2) )) # Yes, this is a floating point equality test like they tell # you not to do. As the pseudrandom sequence is deterministic, # this is the right thing to do in this case. if (( r1 == r2 )); then print "Seed not updated correctly the first time" else print "First two random numbers differ, OK" fi if (( r2 == r3 )); then print "Seed not updated correctly the second time" else print "Second two random numbers differ, OK" fi if (( r3 == r4 )); then print "Identical seeds generate identical numbers, OK" else print "Indeterminate result from identical seeds" fi 0:rand48 with pre-generated seed F:This test fails if your math library doesn't have erand48(). >First two random numbers differ, OK >Second two random numbers differ, OK >Identical seeds generate identical numbers, OK float -F 5 pitest (( pitest = 4.0 * atan(1) )) # This is a string test of the output to 5 digits. if [[ $pi = $pitest ]]; then print "OK, atan on an integer seemed to work" else print "BAD: got $pitest instead of $pi" fi 0:Conversion of arguments from integer >OK, atan on an integer seemed to work float -F 5 result typeset str for str in 0 0.0 1 1.5 -1 -1.5; do (( result = abs($str) )) print $result done 0:Use of abs on various numbers >0.00000 >0.00000 >1.00000 >1.50000 >1.00000 >1.50000 print $(( sqrt(-1) )) 1:Non-negative argument checking for square roots. ?(eval):1: math: argument to sqrt out of range # Simple test that the pseudorandom number generators are producing # something that could conceivably be pseudorandom numbers in a # linear range. Not a detailed quantitative verification. integer N=10000 isource ok=1 float -F f sum sumsq max max2 av sd typeset -a randoms randoms=('f = RANDOM' 'f = rand48()') zmodload -i zsh/mathfunc for isource in 1 2; do (( sum = sumsq = max = 0 )) repeat $N; do let $randoms[$isource] (( f > max )) && (( max = f )) (( sum += f, sumsq += f * f )) done (( av = sum / N )) (( sd = sqrt((sumsq - N * av * av) / (N-1)) )) (( max2 = 0.5 * max )) if (( av > max2 * 1.1 )) || (( av < max2 * 0.9 )); then print "WARNING: average of random numbers is suspicious. Was testing: $randoms[$isource]" (( ok = 0 )) fi if (( sd < max / 4 )); then print "WARNING: distribution of random numbers is suspicious. Was testing: $randoms[$isource]" (( ok = 0 )) fi done (( ok )) 0:Test random number generator distributions are not grossly broken float -F 5 g l (( g = gamma(2), l = lgamma(2) )) print $g, $l 0:Test Gamma function gamma and lgamma >1.00000, 0.00000 print $(( int((29.1 % 13.0 * 10) + 0.5) )) 0:Test floating point modulo function >31