# Tests for both trap builtin and TRAP* functions. %prep setopt localtraps mkdir traps.tmp && cd traps.tmp %test fn1() { trap 'print EXIT1' EXIT fn2() { trap 'print EXIT2' EXIT; } fn2 } fn1 0:Nested `trap ... EXIT' >EXIT2 >EXIT1 fn1() { TRAPEXIT() { print EXIT1; } fn2() { TRAPEXIT() { print EXIT2; }; } fn2 } fn1 0: Nested TRAPEXIT >EXIT2 >EXIT1 fn1() { trap 'print EXIT1' EXIT fn2() { trap - EXIT; } fn2 } fn1 0:Nested `trap - EXIT' on `trap ... EXIT' >EXIT1 fn1() { TRAPEXIT() { print EXIT1; } fn2() { trap - EXIT; } fn2 } fn1 0:Nested `trap - EXIT' on `TRAPEXIT' >EXIT1 # We can't test an EXIT trap for the shell as a whole, because # we're inside a function scope which we don't leave when the # subshell exits. Not sure if that's the correct behaviour, but # it's sort of consistent. ( fn1() { trap 'print Function 1 going' EXIT; exit; print Not reached; } fn2() { trap 'print Function 2 going' EXIT; fn1; print Not reached; } fn2 ) 0:EXIT traps on functions when exiting from function >Function 1 going >Function 2 going # $ZTST_exe is relative to the parent directory. # We ought to fix this in ztst.zsh... (cd .. $ZTST_exe -fc 'TRAPEXIT() { print Exited.; }') 0:EXIT traps on a script >Exited. trap - trap trap int INT trap sigterm SIGTERM trap quit 3 trap 0: Outputting traps correctly >trap -- int INT >trap -- quit QUIT >trap -- sigterm TERM fn1() { trap - trap trap 'print INT1' INT fn2() { trap 'print INT2' INT; trap; } trap fn2 trap } fn1 0: Nested `trap ... INT', not triggered >trap -- 'print INT1' INT >trap -- 'print INT2' INT >trap -- 'print INT1' INT fn1() { trap - trap TRAPINT() { print INT1; } fn2() { TRAPINT() { print INT2; }; trap; } trap fn2 trap } fn1 0: Nested TRAPINT, not triggered >TRAPINT () { > print INT1 >} >TRAPINT () { > print INT2 >} >TRAPINT () { > print INT1 >} fn1() { trap - trap 'print INT1' INT fn2() { trap - INT; trap; } trap fn2 trap } fn1 0: Nested `trap - INT' on untriggered `trap ... INT' >trap -- 'print INT1' INT >trap -- 'print INT1' INT # Testing the triggering of traps here is very unpleasant. # The delays are attempts to avoid race conditions, though there is # no guarantee that they will work. Note the subtlety that the # `sleep' in the function which receives the trap does *not* get the # signal, only the parent shell, which is waiting for a SIGCHILD. # (At least, that's what I think is happening.) Thus we have to wait at # least the full two seconds to make sure we have got the output from the # execution of the trap. print -u $ZTST_fd 'This test takes at least three seconds...' fn1() { trap 'print TERM1' TERM fn2() { trap 'print TERM2; return 1' TERM; sleep 2; } fn2 & sleep 1 kill -TERM $! sleep 2 } fn1 0: Nested `trap ... TERM', triggered on inner loop >TERM2 print -u $ZTST_fd 'This test, too, takes at least three seconds...' fn1() { trap 'print TERM1; return 1' TERM fn2() { trap 'print TERM2; return 1' TERM; } fn2 sleep 2 } fn1 & sleep 1 kill -TERM $! sleep 2 0: Nested `trap ... TERM', triggered on outer loop >TERM1 TRAPZERR() { print error activated; } fn() { print start of fn; false; print end of fn; } fn fn() { setopt localoptions localtraps unfunction TRAPZERR print start of fn false print end of fn } fn unfunction TRAPZERR print finish 0: basic localtraps handling >start of fn >error activated >end of fn >start of fn >end of fn >finish TRAPZERR() { print 'ERR-or!'; } f() { print f; false; } t() { print t; } f f && t t && f && true t && f testunset() { setopt localtraps unset -f TRAPZERR print testunset false true } testunset f print status $? unfunction TRAPZERR 0: more sophisticated error trapping >f >ERR-or! >f >t >f >t >f >ERR-or! >testunset >f >ERR-or! >status 1 f() { setopt localtraps TRAPWINCH() { print "Window changed. That wrecked the test."; } } f f functions TRAPWINCH 1:Unsetting ordinary traps with localtraps. # # Returns from within traps are a perennial problem. # The following two apply to returns in and around standard # ksh-style traps. The intention is that a return value from # within the function is preserved (i.e. statuses set by the trap # are ignored) unless the trap explicitly executes `return', which makes # it return from the enclosing function. # fn() { trap 'true' EXIT; return 1; } fn 1: ksh-style EXIT traps preserve return value inner() { trap 'return 3' EXIT; return 2; } outer() { inner; return 1; } outer 3: ksh-style EXIT traps can force return status of enclosing function # Autoloaded traps are horrid, but unfortunately people expect # them to work if we support them. echo "print Running exit trap" >TRAPEXIT ${${ZTST_exe##[^/]*}:-$ZTST_testdir/$ZTST_exe} -fc ' fpath=(. $fpath) autoload TRAPEXIT print "Exiting, attempt 1" exit print "What?" ' ${${ZTST_exe##[^/]*}:-$ZTST_testdir/$ZTST_exe} -fc ' fpath=(. $fpath) autoload TRAPEXIT; fn() { print Some function } fn print "Exiting, attempt 2" exit ' 0: autoloaded TRAPEXIT (exit status > 128 indicates an old bug is back) >Exiting, attempt 1 >Running exit trap >Some function >Exiting, attempt 2 >Running exit trap print -u $ZTST_fd Another test that takes three seconds gotsig=0 signal_handler() { echo "parent received signal" gotsig=1 } child() { sleep 1 echo "child sending signal" kill -15 $parentpid sleep 2 echo "child exiting" exit 33 } parentpid=$$ child & childpid=$! trap signal_handler 15 echo "parent waiting" wait $childpid cstatus=$? echo "wait #1 finished, gotsig=$gotsig, status=$cstatus" gotsig=0 wait $childpid cstatus=$? echo "wait #2 finished, gotsig=$gotsig, status=$cstatus" 0:waiting for trapped signal >parent waiting >child sending signal >parent received signal >wait #1 finished, gotsig=1, status=143 >child exiting >wait #2 finished, gotsig=0, status=33 fn1() { setopt errexit trap 'echo error1' ZERR false print Shouldn\'t get here 1a } fn2() { setopt errexit trap 'echo error2' ZERR return 1 print Shouldn\'t get here 2a } fn3() { setopt errexit TRAPZERR() { echo error3; } false print Shouldn\'t get here 3a } fn4() { setopt errexit TRAPZERR() { echo error4; } return 1 print Shouldn\'t get here 4a } (fn1; print Shouldn\'t get here 1b) (fn2; print Shouldn\'t get here 2b) (fn3; print Shouldn\'t get here 3b) (fn4; print Shouldn\'t get here 4b) 1: Combination of ERR_EXIT and ZERR trap >error1 >error2 >error3 >error4 fn1() { TRAPZERR() { print trap; return 42; }; false; print Broken; } (fn1) print Working $? 0: Force return of containing function from TRAPZERR. >trap >Working 42 fn2() { trap 'print trap; return 42' ZERR; false; print Broken } (fn2) print Working $? 0: Return with non-zero status triggered from within trap '...' ZERR. >trap >Working 42 fn3() { TRAPZERR() { print trap; return 0; }; false; print OK this time; } (fn3) print Working $? 0: Normal return from TRAPZERR. >trap >OK this time >Working 0 fn4() { trap 'print trap; return 0' ZERR; false; print Broken; } (fn4) print Working $? 0: Return with zero status triggered from within trap '...' ZERR. >trap >Working 0 { trap 'echo This subshell is exiting' EXIT; } | cat 0: EXIT trap set in current shell at left of pipeline >This subshell is exiting ( trap 'echo This subshell is also exiting' EXIT; ) | cat 0: EXIT trap set in subshell at left of pipeline >This subshell is also exiting ( trap 'echo Should only appear once at the end' EXIT ( : trap reset here ) | cat : trap not reset but not part of shell command list | cat echo nothing after this should appear $( : trap reset here too) ) 0: EXIT trap set in subshell reset in subsubshell >nothing after this should appear >Should only appear once at the end echo $( trap 'echo command substitution exited' EXIT ) 0: EXIT trap set in command substitution >command substitution exited (cd ..; $ZTST_exe -fc 'setopt posixtraps; TRAPEXIT() { print Exited; } fn1() { trap; } setopt localtraps # should be ignored by EXIT fn2() { TRAPEXIT() { print No, really exited; } } fn1 fn2 fn1') 0:POSIX_TRAPS option >TRAPEXIT () { > print Exited >} >TRAPEXIT () { > print No, really exited >} >No, really exited (cd ..; $ZTST_exe -fc 'unsetopt posixtraps; echo start program emulate sh -c '\''testfn() { echo start function set -o | grep posixtraps trap "echo EXIT TRAP TRIGGERED" EXIT echo end function }'\'' testfn echo program continuing echo end of program') 0:POSIX_TRAPS effect on EXIT trap is sticky >start program >start function >noposixtraps off >end function >program continuing >end of program >EXIT TRAP TRIGGERED (cd ..; $ZTST_exe -fc ' echo entering program emulate sh -c '\''trap "echo POSIX exit trap triggered" EXIT'\'' fn() { trap "echo native zsh function-local exit trap triggered" EXIT echo entering native zsh function } fn echo exiting program ') 0:POSIX EXIT trap can have nested native mode EXIT trap >entering program >entering native zsh function >native zsh function-local exit trap triggered >exiting program >POSIX exit trap triggered (cd ..; $ZTST_exe -fc ' echo entering program emulate sh -c '\''spt() { trap "echo POSIX exit trap triggered" EXIT; }'\'' fn() { trap "echo native zsh function-local exit trap triggered" EXIT echo entering native zsh function } spt fn echo exiting program ') 0:POSIX EXIT trap not replaced if defined within function >entering program >entering native zsh function >native zsh function-local exit trap triggered >exiting program >POSIX exit trap triggered (set -e printf "a\nb\n" | while read line do [[ $line = a* ]] || continue ((ctr++)) [[ $line = foo ]] done echo "ctr = $ctr" ) 1:ERREXIT in loop with simple commands (set -e f() { false && false } if false; then : else # ERR_EXIT should trigger on return from function, not in function. f echo Fail 1 echo Fail 2 f echo Fail 3 fi) 1:ERREXIT with false from inside && within function (set -e f() { } if false; then : else f echo Succeed 1 echo Succeed 2 f echo Succeed 3 fi) 0:ERREXIT not triggered on empty function after false in if. >Succeed 1 >Succeed 2 >Succeed 3 (set -e if false; then else a=$(false) print This should not appear fi ) 1:ERREXIT is triggered in an else block after a cmd subst returning false fn() { emulate -L zsh setopt errreturn if false; then false print No. else print Oh, yes fi } fn 0:ERR_RETURN not triggered in if condition >Oh, yes fn() { emulate -L zsh setopt errreturn if true; then false print No. else print No, no. fi } fn 1:ERR_RETURN in "if" fn() { emulate -L zsh setopt errreturn if false; then print No. else false print No, no. fi } fn 1:ERR_RETURN in "else" branch (regression test) $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f =(<<<" if false; then : else if [[ -n '' ]]; then a=2 fi print Yes fi ") 0:ERR_RETURN when false "if" is the first statement in an "else" (regression) >Yes F:Must be tested with a top-level script rather than source or function fn() { emulate -L zsh setopt errreturn print before false print after } fn 1:ERR_RETURN, basic case >before fn() { emulate -L zsh setopt errreturn print before ! true ! false print after } fn 0:ERR_RETURN with "!" >before >after fn() { emulate -L zsh setopt errreturn print before ! true ! false false print after } fn 1:ERR_RETURN with "!" and a following false >before fn() { emulate -L zsh setopt errreturn print before ! if true; then false fi print after } fn 0:ERR_RETURN with "!" suppressed inside complex structure >before >after fn() { emulate -L zsh setopt errreturn print before if true; then false fi print after } fn 1:ERR_RETURN with no "!" suppression (control case) >before (setopt err_return fn() { print before-in false && false } print before-out fn print after-out ) 1:ERR_RETURN with "&&" in function (regression test) >before-out >before-in (setopt err_return fn() { print before-in false && false print after-in } print before-out fn print after-out ) 0:ERR_RETURN not triggered on LHS of "&&" in function >before-out >before-in >after-in >after-out (setopt err_return fn() { print before-in true && false print after-in } print before-out fn print after-out ) 1:ERR_RETURN triggered on RHS of "&&" in function >before-out >before-in (set -o err_return fn() { print before-in { false; true } && true print after-in } print before-out fn && true print after-out ) 0:ERR_RETURN not triggered on LHS of "&&" in function on LHS of "&&" (regression test) >before-out >before-in >after-in >after-out mkdir -p zdotdir print >zdotdir/.zshenv ' setopt norcs errreturn fn() { if false; then print Bad else print Good fi print Better } fn print In .zshenv' ZDOTDIR=$PWD/zdotdir $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -c 'true' 0:ERR_RETURN within initialisation code with special flags >Good >Better >In .zshenv unsetopt errreturn fn2() { if true; then false fi } fn1() { setopt localoptions errreturn fn2 print $? } fn1 print fn1 done 0:ERR_RETURN caused by function returning false from within shell construct >fn1 done fn2() { if false; then print Bad else print Good fi } fn() { setopt localoptions err_return fn2 || true } fn 0:ERR_RETURN in "else" branch in nested function >Good (setopt err_exit ! true print OK ) 0:ERR_EXIT not triggered by "! true" >OK (setopt err_exit fn() { true } ! fn print OK ) 0:ERR_EXIT not triggered by "! fn" >OK (setopt err_exit false && true print OK ) 0:ERR_EXIT not triggered by "false && true" >OK (setopt err_exit fn() { false && true } fn print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT not triggered by "false && true" but by return from fn (setopt err_exit for x in y; do false && true done print OK ) 0:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of for >OK (setopt err_exit fn() { for x in y; do false && true done } fn print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of for but by return from fn (setopt err_exit repeat 1; do false && true done print OK ) 0:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of repeat >OK (setopt err_exit fn() { repeat 1; do false && true done } fn print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of repeat but by return from fn (setopt err_exit if true; then false && true fi print OK ) 0:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of if >OK (setopt err_exit fn() { if true; then false && true fi } fn print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of if but by return from fn (setopt err_exit loop=true while print COND; $loop; do loop=false false && true done print OK ) 0:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of while >COND >COND >OK (setopt err_exit fn() { loop=true while print COND; $loop; do loop=false false && true done } fn print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of while but by return from fn >COND >COND (setopt err_exit { false && true } always { print ALWAYS } print OK ) 0:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of always >ALWAYS >OK (setopt err_exit fn() { { false && true } always { print ALWAYS } } fn print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of always but by return from fn >ALWAYS (setopt err_exit { false && true } print OK ) 0:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of { } >OK (setopt err_exit fn() { { false && true } } fn print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT not triggered by status 1 at end of { } but by return from fn unsetopt err_exit err_return (setopt err_exit for x in y; do false done print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT triggered by status 1 within for (setopt err_exit integer x=0 while (( ! x++ )); do false done print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT triggered by status 1 within while (setopt err_exit repeat 1; do false done print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT triggered by status 1 within repeat (setopt err_exit if true; then false fi print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT triggered by status 1 within if (setopt err_exit { false } print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT triggered by status 1 within { } (setopt err_exit () { false && true print Still functioning false && true } print OK ) 1:ERR_EXIT triggered by status 1 at end of anon func >Still functioning (setopt err_exit loop=true; while print loop $? >&2; $loop; do loop=false; false && true; done print done $? >&2 ) 0: ERR_EXIT neither triggered inside loop nor triggered by while statement ?loop 0 ?loop 1 ?done 1 (setopt err_exit { loop=true; while print loop $? >&2; $loop; do loop=false; false && true; done } || false print done $? >&2 ) 1: ERR_EXIT not triggered inside loop but triggered by rhs of || ?loop 0 ?loop 1 (setopt err_exit eval 'loop=true; while print loop $? >&2; $loop; do loop=false; false && true; done' print done $? >&2 ) 1: ERR_EXIT not triggered inside loop but triggered by eval ?loop 0 ?loop 1 (setopt err_exit source <(echo 'loop=true; while print loop $? >&2; $loop; do loop=false; false && true; done') print done $? >&2 ) 1: ERR_EXIT not triggered inside loop but triggered by source ?loop 0 ?loop 1 (setopt err_exit v=$(loop=true; while print loop $? >&2; $loop; do loop=false; false && true; done) print done $? >&2 ) 1: ERR_EXIT not triggered inside loop but triggered by command substitution ?loop 0 ?loop 1 ( set -e; true && {false; echo NOT REACHED} ) ( trap "print Trapped!" ERR; true && {false} ) ( trap "print Trapped!" ERR; true && if true; then false; fi ) ( trap "print Trapped!" ERR; true && {false} always {true} ) ( true && (set -e; false; echo NOT REACHED) ) ( true && (trap "print Trapped!" ERR; false) ) ( true && { set -e; false; echo NOT REACHED } ) ( true && { trap "print Trapped!" ERR; false } ) ( set -e; true && (false; echo one) || echo two ) ( set -e; true && { false; echo one; } || echo two ) 0:ERR_EXIT is triggered by last command in an AND-OR list >Trapped! >Trapped! >Trapped! >Trapped! >Trapped! >one >one ( set -o ERR_RETURN; f() { false; echo NOT REACHED; }; f || true; echo OK ) ( set -o ERR_RETURN; f() { true && false; echo NOT REACHED; }; f || true; echo OK ) ( set -o ERR_RETURN; f() { true && { false }; echo NOT REACHED; }; f || true; echo OK ) 0:ERR_RETURN is triggered in function calls on the left of an AND-OR >OK >OK >OK if zmodload zsh/system 2>/dev/null; then ( trap 'echo TERM; exit 2' TERM trap 'echo EXIT' EXIT kill -s TERM "$sysparams[pid]" echo 'FATAL: we should never get here!' 1>&2 exit 1 ) else ZTST_skip="zsh/system library not found." fi 2:EXIT trap from TERM trap >TERM >EXIT # Should not get "hello" in the single quotes. ( trap "echo hello" EXIT; { :; } | { read line; print "'$line'"; } ) 0:EXIT trap not called in LHS of pipeline: Shell construct on LHS >'' >hello ( trap "echo hello" EXIT; cat '' >hello $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f =(<<<" trap handler EXIT handler() { echoa echo b } echoa() { echo a } exit0() { exit } main() { exit0 } main ") 0:No early exit from nested function in EXIT trap. >a >b $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc 'fn() { exit 13; }; trap fn EXIT; exit' 13:Explicit exit in exit trap overrides status $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc 'fn() { exit $?+8; }; trap fn EXIT; exit 7' 15:Progated exit status through exit trap $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc 'fn() { exit 13; }; trap fn EXIT' 13:Explicit exit in exit trap overrides implicit exit status $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc 'fn() { exit 0; }; trap fn EXIT; false' 0:Explicit exit status 0 in exit trap overrides implicit non-zero status $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f <<<'fn() { exit 13; }; trap fn EXIT; false' 13:Exit status from exit trap, script-like path $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f <<<'fn() { exit 0; }; trap fn EXIT; false' 0:Explicit exit status overrides implicit: script-like code path $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f <<<$' trap \'echo $1; exit; echo $2\' USR1 fn() { echo fn1 kill -s USR1 $$ echo fn2 } echo out1 fn trap1 trap2 echo out2 ' 0:'exit' in trap causes calling function to return >out1 >fn1 >trap1 # As of 5.7.1-test-2, the output was "out1 fn1 trap1 fn2" (on separate lines). TRAPEXIT() { echo This is TRAPEXIT; } TRAPEXIT TRAPEXIT TRAPEXIT 0:No memory problems with explicit call to TRAPEXIT. >This is TRAPEXIT >This is TRAPEXIT >This is TRAPEXIT >This is TRAPEXIT # Three explicit calls, one implicit call at function exit. %clean rm -f TRAPEXIT