I think this has something to do with the new refresh code. Type this into your zsh running in a standard xterm: zsh% function fourlines { > echo 1 > echo 2 > echo 3 > echo 4 > } zsh% Now call it back with C-p so you see: zsh% function fourlines { echo 1 echo 2 echo 3 echo 4 } Now cut everything from "function" through "}" and paste it into an editor. You get something like the attached (look at the text in a window that either does NOT autowrap or is NOT 80 columns wide). Note that there is a remarkable shortage of newline characters in the pasted text. -- Bart Schaefer Brass Lantern Enterprises http://www.well.com/user/barts http://www.nbn.com/people/lantern New male in /home/schaefer: >N 2 Justin William Schaefer Sat May 11 03:43 53/4040 "Happy Birthday"