From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id XAA12557 for ; Sat, 19 Oct 1996 23:01:11 +1000 (EST) Received: (from list@localhost) by (8.7.3/8.7.3) id IAA27338; Sat, 19 Oct 1996 08:49:04 -0400 (EDT) Resent-Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 08:49:04 -0400 (EDT) Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain Mime-Version: 1.0 (NeXT Mail 3.3 v118.2) X-Image-Url: X-Nextstep-Mailer: Mail 3.3 (Enhance 1.3) Original-Received: by NeXT.Mailer (1.118.2) PP-warning: Illegal Received field on preceding line From: Robert F Tobler Date: Sat, 19 Oct 96 14:48:43 +0200 To: ZSH Bug Subject: problem with zsh/rlogin Reply-To: Resent-Message-ID: <"80OIN3.0.4h6.0vCQo"@euclid> Resent-From: X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/2266 X-Loop: Precedence: list Resent-Sender: Dear zsh-Developers: I am a happy user of zsh on a number of NeXTstep, IRIX and LINUX machines. Lately I noticed the following problem with zsh 3.0.0 (I backchecked the problem with zsh 2.6p15, and it occurs there as well): When I am logged into an IRIX 6.2 or 5.3 machine from my NeXTstep 3.3 machine (intel) using Nexts Terminal program (standard), I will get the following odd behaviour: When I create a long and fast terminal output which is multiple screen lengths long (e.g. ls of long directory, cat of long file), the output will often be truncated and right after the prompt a single or mor 'K's will appear, e.g. the last ten lines of the result of 'cat settings' (where settings is the output of sourcing reporter on the IRIX 6.2 machine, which I appended at the end of this message) look like that: datasize stacksize coredumpsize descriptors vmemorysize resident)' unlimit compctl -v unset compctl -s '$(setopt 2>/dev/null)' + -s 'no${=^$(unsetopt)}' + -o unsetopt 19-Oct-96 3:05:47 /usr/local/bin knieriem:root# KKK i.e. the last 489 lines of the 886 line file have been truncated, and 3 Ks have appeard after the prompt (The date, time, directory,machine and login name are printed by my PROMPT). The cursor appears behind the K's and the K's cannot be deleted with backspace: the terminal beeps if I try to do that. The number of K's that appear is variable, and the truncation point is variable as well, though in a number of consecutive tests there are only a small number of truncation points that will occur repeatedly. This odd behaviour does not happen if I use telnet instead of rlogin. It does not happen if I use another shell (e.g. tcsh 6.05). It does not happen if I am directly logged in on my machine (not remote). It does not happen if I rlogin on another NeXT machine running zsh 3.0.0 as well. It does not happen if I pipe the output through 'more' or 'less'. Since I like zsh very much, it annoys me that my favourite shell has a bug that does not appear in other shells! Although this is a quite exotic bug, I still hope that someone can fix it! Nevertheless thanks for donating such a good piece of software to the public domain! Robert F. Tobler ##----------------- begin of reporter ------------------- # START zsh saveset # uname: IRIX knieriem 6.2 03131015 IP22 # Aliases. alias @capefear='rsh' alias @carmen='rsh' alias @eiunix='rsh' alias @folio='rsh' alias @kittyhawk='rsh' alias @knieriem='rsh' alias @launzatte='rsh' alias @leim='rsh' alias @narya='rsh' alias @piano='rsh' alias @radawana='rsh' alias @raven='rsh' alias @ray='rsh' alias @salome='rsh' alias @schnoferl='rsh' alias @stellaris='rsh' alias @titus='rsh' alias @weinberl='rsh' alias @xenon='rsh' alias @zwirn='rsh' alias binrm=/bin/rm alias destroy='/bin/rm -rf' alias df='df -k' alias edit='emacs -nw' alias fgm='gnumake -s AMS_DEPEND=off' alias fgmd='gnumake -s AMS_DEPEND=off debug' alias fgmp='gnumake -s AMS_DEPEND=off profile' alias gm='gnumake -s' alias gmd='gnumake -s debug' alias gmp='gnumake -s profile' alias ll='ls -Fal' alias lrt='ll -rt' alias ls='ls -AF' alias lt='ll -t' alias netstat=/usr/etc/netstat alias nfsstat=/usr/etc/nfsstat alias ping=/usr/etc/ping alias psl='ps -edaf' alias pwd=/bin/pwd alias run-help=man alias which-command=whence # Key bindings. bindkey -r "^@" bindkey -r "^A" bindkey -r "^B" bindkey -r "^C" bindkey -r "^D" bindkey -r "^E" bindkey -r "^F" bindkey -r "^G" bindkey -r "^H" bindkey -r "^I" bindkey -r "^J" bindkey -r "^K" bindkey -r "^L" bindkey -r "^M" bindkey -r "^N" bindkey -r "^O" bindkey -r "^P" bindkey -r "^Q" bindkey -r "^R" bindkey -r "^S" bindkey -r "^T" bindkey -r "^U" bindkey -r "^V" bindkey -r "^W" bindkey -r "^X" bindkey -r "^Y" bindkey -r "^Z" bindkey -r "\e" bindkey -r "^_" bindkey -r "^?" bindkey -r "^X^B" bindkey -r "^X^F" bindkey -r "^X^J" bindkey -r "^X^K" bindkey -r "^X^N" bindkey -r "^X^O" bindkey -r "^X^U" bindkey -r "^X^V" bindkey -r "^X^X" bindkey -r "^X*" bindkey -r "^XG" bindkey -r "^Xg" bindkey -r "^Xr" bindkey -r "^Xs" bindkey -r "^Xu" bindkey -r "\e^D" bindkey -r "\e^G" bindkey -r "\e^H" bindkey -r "\e^I" bindkey -r "\e^J" bindkey -r "\e^L" bindkey -r "\e^M" bindkey -r "\e^_" bindkey -r "\e " bindkey -r "\e!" bindkey -r "\e\\"" bindkey -r "\e$" bindkey -r "\e'" bindkey -r "\e-" bindkey -r "\e." bindkey -r "\e0" bindkey -r "\e1" bindkey -r "\e2" bindkey -r "\e3" bindkey -r "\e4" bindkey -r "\e5" bindkey -r "\e6" bindkey -r "\e7" bindkey -r "\e8" bindkey -r "\e9" bindkey -r "\e<" bindkey -r "\e>" bindkey -r "\e?" bindkey -r "\eA" bindkey -r "\eB" bindkey -r "\eC" bindkey -r "\eD" bindkey -r "\eF" bindkey -r "\eG" bindkey -r "\eH" bindkey -r "\eL" bindkey -r "\eN" bindkey -r "\eP" bindkey -r "\eQ" bindkey -r "\eS" bindkey -r "\eT" bindkey -r "\eU" bindkey -r "\eW" bindkey -r "\e[A" bindkey -r "\e[B" bindkey -r "\e[C" bindkey -r "\e[D" bindkey -r "\e_" bindkey -r "\ea" bindkey -r "\eb" bindkey -r "\ec" bindkey -r "\ed" bindkey -r "\ef" bindkey -r "\eg" bindkey -r "\eh" bindkey -r "\el" bindkey -r "\en" bindkey -r "\ep" bindkey -r "\eq" bindkey -r "\es" bindkey -r "\et" bindkey -r "\eu" bindkey -r "\ew" bindkey -r "\ex" bindkey -r "\ey" bindkey -r "\ez" bindkey -r "\e|" bindkey -r "\e^?" bindkey "^@" set-mark-command bindkey "^A" beginning-of-line bindkey "^B" backward-char bindkey "^C" undefined-key bindkey "^D" delete-char-or-list bindkey "^E" end-of-line bindkey "^F" forward-char bindkey "^G" send-break bindkey "^H" backward-delete-char bindkey "^I" expand-or-complete bindkey "^J" accept-line bindkey "^K" kill-line bindkey "^L" clear-screen bindkey "^M" accept-line bindkey "^N" down-line-or-history bindkey "^O" accept-line-and-down-history bindkey "^P" up-line-or-history bindkey "^Q" push-line bindkey "^R" history-incremental-search-backward bindkey "^S" history-incremental-search-forward bindkey "^T" transpose-chars bindkey "^U" kill-whole-line bindkey "^V" quoted-insert bindkey "^W" backward-kill-word bindkey "^X" prefix bindkey "^Y" yank bindkey "^Z" undefined-key bindkey "\e" prefix bindkey "^_" undo bindkey "^?" backward-delete-char bindkey "^X^B" vi-match-bracket bindkey "^X^F" vi-find-next-char bindkey "^X^J" vi-join bindkey "^X^K" kill-buffer bindkey "^X^N" infer-next-history bindkey "^X^O" overwrite-mode bindkey "^X^U" undo bindkey "^X^V" vi-cmd-mode bindkey "^X^X" exchange-point-and-mark bindkey "^X*" expand-word bindkey "^XG" list-expand bindkey "^Xg" list-expand bindkey "^Xr" history-incremental-search-backward bindkey "^Xs" history-incremental-search-forward bindkey "^Xu" undo bindkey "\e^D" list-choices bindkey "\e^G" send-break bindkey "\e^H" backward-kill-word bindkey "\e^I" self-insert-unmeta bindkey "\e^J" self-insert-unmeta bindkey "\e^L" clear-screen bindkey "\e^M" self-insert-unmeta bindkey "\e^_" copy-prev-word bindkey "\e " expand-history bindkey "\e!" expand-history bindkey "\e\\"" quote-region bindkey "\e$" spell-word bindkey "\e'" quote-line bindkey "\e-" neg-argument bindkey "\e." insert-last-word bindkey "\e0" digit-argument bindkey "\e1" digit-argument bindkey "\e2" digit-argument bindkey "\e3" digit-argument bindkey "\e4" digit-argument bindkey "\e5" digit-argument bindkey "\e6" digit-argument bindkey "\e7" digit-argument bindkey "\e8" digit-argument bindkey "\e9" digit-argument bindkey "\e<" beginning-of-buffer-or-history bindkey "\e>" end-of-buffer-or-history bindkey "\e?" which-command bindkey "\eA" accept-and-hold bindkey "\eB" backward-word bindkey "\eC" capitalize-word bindkey "\eD" kill-word bindkey "\eF" forward-word bindkey "\eG" get-line bindkey "\eH" run-help bindkey "\eL" down-case-word bindkey "\eN" history-search-forward bindkey "\eP" history-search-backward bindkey "\eQ" push-line bindkey "\eS" spell-word bindkey "\eT" transpose-words bindkey "\eU" up-case-word bindkey "\eW" copy-region-as-kill bindkey "\e[A" up-line-or-history bindkey "\e[B" down-line-or-history bindkey "\e[C" forward-char bindkey "\e[D" backward-char bindkey "\e_" insert-last-word bindkey "\ea" accept-and-hold bindkey "\eb" backward-word bindkey "\ec" capitalize-word bindkey "\ed" kill-word bindkey "\ef" forward-word bindkey "\eg" get-line bindkey "\eh" run-help bindkey "\el" down-case-word bindkey "\en" history-beginning-search-forward bindkey "\ep" history-beginning-search-backward bindkey "\eq" push-line bindkey "\es" spell-word bindkey "\et" transpose-words bindkey "\eu" up-case-word bindkey "\ew" copy-region-as-kill bindkey "\ex" execute-named-cmd bindkey "\ey" yank-pop bindkey "\ez" execute-last-named-cmd bindkey "\e|" vi-goto-column bindkey "\e^?" backward-kill-word # Completions. compctl -l '' - - compctl -l '' -x 'p[1,1]' -f -- . compctl -g '*(*)' adb compctl -g '*.tex*' + -g '*(-/)' amslatex compctl -g '*.tex*' + -g '*(-/)' amstex compctl -s '${^fpath}/*(N:t)' autoload compctl -z -P % bg compctl -b bindkey compctl -l '' -x 'p[1,1]' -B -- builtin compctl -g '*.[cCoa]' -x 's[-I]' -g '*(/)' - 's[-l]' -s '${(s.:.)^LD_LIBRARY_PATH}/lib*.a(:t:r:s/lib//)' -- cc compctl -g '*(-/)' + -qU -K multicomp -S / cd compctl -f -x 'p[1,1] , p[2,2] C[-1,-*]' -k groups -- chgrp compctl -f -x 'p[1,1] n[-1,.] , p[2,2] C[-1,-*] n[-1,.]' -k groups - 'p[1,1] , p[2,2] C[-1,-*]' -u -S . -- chown compctl -g 'RCS/*(:s@RCS/@@:s/,v//)' co compctl -l '' -x 'p[1,1]' -m -- command compctl -c -x 'C[-1,-*k]' -A - 'C[-1,-*K]' -F -- compctl compctl -g '*(*)' dbx compctl -k '(if of conv ibs obs bs cbs files skip file seek count)' -S '=' -x 's[if=] , s[of=]' -f - 'C[0,conv=*,*] n[-1,,] , s[conv=]' -q -k '(ascii ebcdic ibm block unblock lcase ucase swap noerror sync)' -S , - 'n[-1,=]' -X '' -- dd compctl -qv -S '=' declare compctl -g '*(/)' dircmp compctl -B -x 'p[1,1] s[-]' -k '(a f m r)' - 'C[1,-*a*]' -a - 'C[1,-*f*]' -F - 'C[-1,-*r*]' -w -- disable compctl -j -P % disown compctl -g '*.dvi' + -g '*(-/)' dvips compctl -u -x 's[+] c[-1,-f] , s[-f+]' -g '~/Mail/*(:t)' - 's[-f] , c[-1,-f]' -f -- elm compctl -Bd -x 'p[1,1] s[-]' -k '(a f m r)' - 'C[1,-*a*]' -ad - 'C[1,-*f*]' -Fd - 'C[-1,-*r*]' -dw -- enable compctl -l '' eval compctl -l '' exec compctl -qv -S '=' export compctl -x 'C[-1,-*e]' -c - 'C[-1,-[ARWI]##]' -f -- fc compctl -g '*.F' + -g '*(-/)' fcat compctl -j -P % fg compctl -x 'r[-exec,;][-ok,;]' -l '' - 's[-]' -s 'daystart {max,min,}depth follow noleaf version xdev \ {a,c,}newer {a,c,m}{min,time} empty false {fs,x,}type gid inum links \ {i,}{l,}name {no,}{user,group} path perm regex size true uid used \ exec {f,}print{f,0,} ok prune ls' - 'p[1,1]' -g '. .. *(-/)' - 'C[-1,-((a|c|)newer|fprint(|0|f))]' -f - 'c[-1,-fstype]' -k '(ufs 4.2 4.3 nfs tmp mfs S51K S52K)' - 'c[-1,-group]' -k groups - 'c[-1,-user]' -u -- find compctl -k ftphosts ftp compctl -F functions compctl -g '*.([cCmisSoa]|cc|cxx|ii)' -x 's[-l]' -s '${(s.:.)^LD_LIBRARY_PATH}/lib*.a(:t:r:s/lib//)' - 'c[-1,-x]' -k '(none c objective-c c-header c++ cpp-output assembler assembler-with-cpp)' - 'c[-1,-o]' -f - 'C[-1,-i(nclude|macros)]' -g '*.h' - 'C[-1,-i(dirafter|prefix)]' -g '*(-/)' - 's[-B][-I][-L]' -g '*(-/)' - 's[-fno-] , s[-f]' -k '(all-virtual cond-mismatch dollars-in-identifiers enum-int-equiv external-templates asm builtin strict-prototype signed-bitfields signd-char this-is-variable unsigned-bitfields unsigned-char writable-strings syntax-only pretend-float caller-saves cse-follow-jumps cse-skip-blocks delayed-branch elide-constructors expensive-optimizations fast-math float-store force-addr force-mem inline-functions keep-inline-functions memoize-lookups default-inline defer-pop function-cse inline peephole omit-frame-pointer rerun-cse-after-loop schedule-insns schedule-insns2 strength-reduce thread-jumps unroll-all-loops unroll-loops)' - 's[-g]' -k '(coff xcoff xcoff+ dwarf dwarf+ stabs stabs+ gdb)' - 's[-mno-][-mno][-m]' -k '(486 soft-float fp-ret-in-387)' - 's[-Wno-][-W]' -k '(all aggregate-return cast-align cast-qual char-subscript comment conversion enum-clash error format id-clash-6 implicit inline missing-prototypes missing-declarations nested-externs import parentheses pointer-arith redundant-decls return-type shadow strict-prototypes switch template-debugging traditional trigraphs uninitialized unused write-strings)' - 's[-]' -k '(pipe ansi traditional traditional-cpp trigraphs pedantic pedantic-errors nostartfiles nostdlib static shared symbolic include imacros idirafter iprefix iwithprefix nostdinc nostdinc++ undef)' -X 'Use "-f", "-g", "-m" or "-W" for more options' -- g++ compctl -g '*.([cCmisSoa]|cc|cxx|ii)' -x 's[-l]' -s '${(s.:.)^LD_LIBRARY_PATH}/lib*.a(:t:r:s/lib//)' - 'c[-1,-x]' -k '(none c objective-c c-header c++ cpp-output assembler assembler-with-cpp)' - 'c[-1,-o]' -f - 'C[-1,-i(nclude|macros)]' -g '*.h' - 'C[-1,-i(dirafter|prefix)]' -g '*(-/)' - 's[-B][-I][-L]' -g '*(-/)' - 's[-fno-] , s[-f]' -k '(all-virtual cond-mismatch dollars-in-identifiers enum-int-equiv external-templates asm builtin strict-prototype signed-bitfields signd-char this-is-variable unsigned-bitfields unsigned-char writable-strings syntax-only pretend-float caller-saves cse-follow-jumps cse-skip-blocks delayed-branch elide-constructors expensive-optimizations fast-math float-store force-addr force-mem inline-functions keep-inline-functions memoize-lookups default-inline defer-pop function-cse inline peephole omit-frame-pointer rerun-cse-after-loop schedule-insns schedule-insns2 strength-reduce thread-jumps unroll-all-loops unroll-loops)' - 's[-g]' -k '(coff xcoff xcoff+ dwarf dwarf+ stabs stabs+ gdb)' - 's[-mno-][-mno][-m]' -k '(486 soft-float fp-ret-in-387)' - 's[-Wno-][-W]' -k '(all aggregate-return cast-align cast-qual char-subscript comment conversion enum-clash error format id-clash-6 implicit inline missing-prototypes missing-declarations nested-externs import parentheses pointer-arith redundant-decls return-type shadow strict-prototypes switch template-debugging traditional trigraphs uninitialized unused write-strings)' - 's[-]' -k '(pipe ansi traditional traditional-cpp trigraphs pedantic pedantic-errors nostartfiles nostdlib static shared symbolic include imacros idirafter iprefix iwithprefix nostdinc nostdinc++ undef)' -X 'Use "-f", "-g", "-m" or "-W" for more options' -- gcc compctl -v getln compctl -v getopts compctl -g '*.(e|)ps' + -g '*(-/)' ghostview compctl -g '*.tex*' + -g '*(-/)' glatex compctl -s '$(awk ''/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^ ]+:/ {print $1}'' FS=: [mM]akefile)' -x 'c[-1,-f]' -f -- gmake compctl -g '*(*)' gprof compctl -g '*.(e|)ps' + -g '*(-/)' gs compctl -g '*.tex*' + -g '*(-/)' gslitex compctl -g '*.(gz|z|Z|t[agp]z|tarZ|tz)' + -g '*(-/)' gunzip compctl -x 'R[-*[dt],^*]' -g '*.(gz|z|Z|t[agp]z|tarZ|tz)' + -g '*(-/)' + -f - 's[]' -g '^*(.(tz|gz|t[agp]z|tarZ|zip|ZIP|jpg|JPG|gif|GIF|[zZ])|[~#])' + -f -- gzip compctl -x 'w[1,-d] p[2,2]' -n - 'w[1,-d] p[3,3]' -g '*(-/)' - 'p[1,1]' -c - 'p[2,2]' -g '*(-x)' -- hash compctl -qv -S '=' integer compctl -j -P % jobs compctl -j -P % + -s '`ps -x | tail +2 | cut -c1-5`' + -x 's[-] p[1,1]' -k '(EXIT HUP INT QUIT ILL TRAP IOT EMT FPE KILL BUS SEGV SYS PIPE ALRM TERM USR1 USR2 CLD PWR WINCH URG POLL STOP TSTP CONT TTIN TTOU VTALRM PROF XCPU XFSZ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 RTMIN)' -- kill compctl -g '*.tex*' + -g '*(-/)' latex compctl -k '(cputime filesize datasize stacksize coredumpsize descriptors vmemorysize resident)' limit compctl -g '*.tar|*.gnutar|*.tar.*|*.gnutar.*|*.compressed|*.tgz|*.taz|*.zip' + -g '*(-/)' lltar compctl -qv -S '=' local compctl -g '*.tar|*.gnutar|*.tar.*|*.gnutar.*|*.compressed|*.tgz|*.taz|*.zip' + -g '*(-/)' lstar compctl -u -x 's[+] c[-1,-f] , s[-f+]' -g '~/Mail/*(:t)' - 's[-f] , c[-1,-f]' -f -- mail compctl -s '$(awk ''/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^ ]+:/ {print $1}'' FS=: [mM]akefile)' -x 'c[-1,-f]' -f -- make compctl -K man_glob man compctl -g '*.F' + -g '*(-/)' melt compctl -g '*.tar|*.gnutar|*.tar.*|*.gnutar.*|*.compressed|*.tgz|*.taz|*.zip' + -g '*(-/)' mvtar compctl -s '$(groups)' + -k groups newgrp compctl -l '' nice compctl -l '' nohup compctl -g '*.(e|)ps' + -g '*(-/)' psmulti compctl -g '*.(e|)ps' + -g '*(-/)' psps compctl -g '*.(e|)ps' + -g '*(-/)' psselect compctl -g '*.(e|)ps' + -g '*(-/)' pstops compctl -g '*(-/)' + -qU -K multicomp -S / pushd compctl -f -k hosts -x 'n[1,:]' -f - 'p[1,1] W[2,*:*]' -f - 'p[1,1]' -k hosts -S : - 'p[2,2] W[1,*:*]' -f - 'p[2,2]' -k hosts -S : -- rcp compctl -g 'RCS/*(:s@RCS/@@:s/,v//)' rcs compctl -g 'RCS/*(:s@RCS/@@:s/,v//)' rcsdiff compctl -v read compctl -qv -S '=' readonly compctl -g 'RCS/*(:s@RCS/@@:s/,v//)' rlog compctl -k hosts -x 'c[-1,-l]' -u -- rlogin compctl -g '*(/)' rmdir compctl -g '*.x' + -g '*(-/)' rpcgen compctl -k hosts -x 'p[2,-1]' -l '' -- rsh compctl -l '' rusage compctl -x 'p[1,1]' - 'p[2,-1]' -l '' -- sched compctl -x 'C[-1,[+-]o]' -o - 'c[-1,-A]' -A -- set compctl -s '$(unsetopt)' + -s 'no${=^$(setopt 2>/dev/null)}' + -o setopt compctl -A shift compctl -g '*.tex*' + -g '*(-/)' slitex compctl -l '' -x 'p[1,1]' -f -- source compctl -g '*(*)' strip compctl -u -x 'w[2,-c] p[3,-1]' -l '' -- su compctl -f -x 'C[-1,*f*] p[2,2]' -g '*.tar' -- tar compctl -g '*.tex*' + -g '*(-/)' tex compctl -g '*.tex*' + -g '*(-/)' texi2dvi compctl -l '' time compctl -x 'p[1,1]' -c - 'p[2,-1]' -k signals -- trap compctl -acF type compctl -qv -S '=' typeset compctl -a unalias compctl -g '*.Z' + -g '*(-/)' uncompress compctl -F unfunction compctl -c unhash compctl -k '(cputime filesize datasize stacksize coredumpsize descriptors vmemorysize resident)' unlimit compctl -v unset compctl -s '$(setopt 2>/dev/null)' + -s 'no${=^$(unsetopt)}' + -o unsetopt compctl -g '*.tar|*.gnutar|*.tar.*|*.gnutar.*|*.compressed|*.tgz|*.taz|*.zip' + -g '*(-/)' untar compctl -g '~trash/*(:t)' untrash compctl -g '*(*)' ups compctl -v vared compctl -j -P % + -s '`ps -x | tail +2 | cut -c1-5`' wait compctl -acF whence compctl -acF which compctl -g '*(*)' xdbx compctl -g '*.dvi' + -g '*(-/)' xdvi compctl -k '(-help -def -display -cursor -cursor_name -bitmap -mod -fg -bg -grey -rv -solid -name)' -x 'c[-1,-display]' -k hosts -S :0.0 - 'c[-1,-cursor]' -f - 'c[-2,-cursor]' -f - 'c[-1,-bitmap]' -g '/usr/include/X11/bitmaps/*' - 'c[-1,-cursor_name]' -K Xcursor - 'C[-1,-(solid|fg|bg)]' -K Xcolours -- xsetroot compctl -g '*.(gz|z|Z|t[agp]z|tarZ|tz)' + -g '*(-/)' zcat compctl -g '*.Z' + -g '*(-/)' zmore compctl -C -c + -U -K multicomp compctl -D -f + -U -K multicomp compctl -T # Undefined functions. # Defined functions. Xcolours () { reply=(${(L)=:-$(awk '{ if (NF = 4) print $4 }' < /usr/openwin/lib/X11/rgb.txt)}) } Xcursor () { reply=($(sed -n 's/^#define[ ][ ]*XC_\([^ ]*\)[ ].*$/\1/p' \ < /usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h)) } clean () { echo -n 'rm:' files=(*) for f in $files do case $f in *\~) echo -n " $f" /bin/rm $f;; .*\~) echo -n " $f" /bin/rm $f;; \#*\#) echo -n " $f" /bin/rm $f;; *.bak) echo -n " $f" /bin/rm $f;; %*) echo -n " $f" /bin/rm $f;; *) ;; esac done echo } del () { mv $* ~trash } delete () { mv $* ~trash } emptytrash () { if [[ -z ~trash/* ]] then echo "Trash empty." else command ls -bAFlg ~trash read -q 'erase?Erase ? ' && /bin/rm -rf ~trash/* fi } lltar () { for i in $* do case $i in *.((gnutar|tar).(z|gz|zip|Z)|compressed|taz|tgz)) gunzip < $i | gnutar tvf -;; *.(tar|gnutar)) gnutar tvf $i;; *.tar.F) fcat < $i | gnutar tvf -;; *.zip) unzip -v $i;; *) echo "Unrecognized file type: $i" >& 2;; esac done } lltrash () { ls -AF -Fal ~trash/ } lstar () { for i in $* do case $i in *.((gnutar|tar).(z|gz|zip|Z)|compressed|taz|tgz)) gunzip < $i | gnutar tf -;; *.(tar|gnutar)) gnutar tf $i;; *.tar.F) fcat < $i | gnutar tf -;; *.zip) unzip -l $i;; *) echo "Unrecognized file type: $i" >& 2;; esac done } lstrash () { ls -AF ~trash/ } man_glob () { local a read -cA a if [[ $a[2] = -s ]] then reply=(${^manpath}/man$a[3]/$1*$2(N:t:r)) else reply=(${^manpath}/man*/$1*$2(N:t:r)) fi } man_var () { man_pages=(${^manpath}/man*/*(N:t:r)) compctl -k man_pages man reply=($man_pages) } mancat () { man $* | cat } multicomp () { local pref head sofar origtop newtop globdir="(-/)" wild setopt localoptions nullglob rcexpandparam globdots unsetopt markdirs globsubst shwordsplit nounset pref="${1}$2" pref="${pref#:}" sofar=('') reply=('') if [[ "$pref" = \~* ]] then origtop="${pref%%/*}" newtop=${~origtop} sofar=($newtop) pref="${pref#$origtop}" fi while [[ -n "$pref" ]] do [[ "$pref" = /* ]] && sofar=(${sofar}/) && pref="${pref#/}" head="${pref%%/*}" pref="${pref#$head}" if [[ -n "$pref" && -z $sofar[2] && -d "${sofar}$head" ]] then reply=("${sofar}$head") else [[ -z "$pref" ]] && globdir= if [[ "$head" = *[\*\?]* ]] then wild= else wild='*' fi reply=(${sofar}"${head}${wild}${globdir}") reply=(${~reply}) fi [[ -z $reply[1] ]] && reply=() && break [[ -n $pref ]] && sofar=($reply) done [[ -n "$origtop" ]] && reply=("$origtop"${reply#$newtop}) } mvtar () { for i in $* do case $i in *.((gnutar|tar).(z|gz|zip|Z)|compressed|taz|tgz)) gunzip < $i | gnutar xvf - && del $i;; *.(tar|gnutar)) gnutar xvf $i && del $i;; *.tar.F) fcat < $i | gnutar xvf - && del $i;; *.zip) unzip $i && del $i;; *) echo "Unrecognized file type: $i" >& 2;; esac done } namedir () { eval '$1=$2 ; if [[ ! -d ~$1 ]]; then unset $1 ; fi' } psgrep () { ps -edaf | egrep "PPID|$*" | egrep -v "egrep PPID" } untar () { for i in $* do case $i in *.((gnutar|tar).(z|gz|zip|Z)|compressed|taz|tgz)) gunzip < $i | gnutar xvf -;; *.(tar|gnutar)) gnutar xvf $i;; *.tar.F) fcat < $i | gnutar xvf -;; *.zip) unzip $i;; *) echo "Unrecognized file type: $i" >& 2;; esac done } untrash () { local untrashto=$PWD cd ~trash mv $* $untrashto popd } ved () { vared -p $*[-1]= $* } # Limits. limit datasize 512MB limit stacksize 64MB limit descriptors 200 limit vmemorysize 512MB limit resident 245MB # Non-array variables. TERMCAP='' TERM='vt100' \'#\'="0" \'$\'="6571" \'?\'="1" AMS_CONFIG="mips--irix5.3-a" AMS_DIR="/usr/local/projects/VEGA/AMS" ARGC="0" AWK="awk" BAUD="9600" CDPATH="\'\'" CLUSTER="stellaris:salome:titus:schnoferl:weinberl:leim:knieriem" COLUMNS="80" CPP="/lib/cpp" DIRSTACKSIZE="100" EDITOR="\'emacs -nw\'" EGID="0" ERRNO="0" EUID="0" FCEDIT="vi" FIGNORE="." FPATH="/usr/admin/Unix/zsh/function" GID="0" HISTCHARS="\'!^#\'" HISTFILE="/usr/admin/.zhistory" HISTSIZE="4096" HOME="/usr/admin" HOST="knieriem" HZ="100" KEYTIMEOUT="40" LANG="C" LINENO="329" LINES="24" LISTMAX="100" LOCALHOSTS="raven:radwawana:launzatte:zwirn:stellaris:salome:titus:schnoferl:weinberl:leim:knieriem" LOGCHECK="60" LOGNAME="sysadm" MACHTYPE="mips" MAIL="/usr/mail/sysadm" MAILCHECK="60" MAILPATH="\'\'" MANPATH="/usr/share/catman:/usr/share/man:/usr/catman:/usr/man:/usr/local/man" NULLCMD="cat" OLDPWD="/usr/local/bin/libgroff" OPTARG="\'\'" OPTIND="1" OSTYPE="irix5.3" PATH="/usr/admin/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/etc:/usr/etc:/usr/gfx:/usr/bin/X11" POSTEDIT="\'\'" PPID="6570" PRINTER="RavenPrinter" PROMPT="\'%B%D{%d-%b-%y} %*%b %S%~%s" PROMPT2="\'%_> \'" PROMPT3="\'?# \'" PROMPT4="\'+ \'" PS1="\'%B%D{%d-%b-%y} %*%b %S%~%s" PS2="\'%_> \'" PS3="\'?# \'" PS4="\'+ \'" PSVAR="\'\'" PWD="/usr/local/bin" RANDOM="19125" READNULLCMD="less" REMOTEHOST="" REMOTELOGIN="1" REMOTEUSER="rft" REPORTTIME="1" RPROMPT="\'\'" RPS1="\'\'" RTFLIBDIR="/usr/admin/Unix/lib" SAVEHIST="4096" SAVE_RM="del" SECONDS="7226" SHELL="/usr/local/bin/zsh" SHLVL="1" SPROMPT="\'zsh: correct \'\'%R\'\' to \'\'%r\'\' [nyae]? \'" TIMEFMT="\'%E @ %P - %U u %S s: %J\'" TMPPREFIX="/tmp/zsh" TTY="/dev/ttyq0" TTYIDLE="-1" TZ="CET-1CEST,89/02:00:00,300/03:00:00" UID="0" USER="sysadm" USERNAME="root" VEGA="/usr/local/projects/VEGA" VEGA_ARCHIVE_DIR="/usr/local/backup/packages" VEGA_DIR="/usr/local/projects/VEGA" VEGA_MANPAGE_DIR="/usr/local/man/cat3/VEGA" VEGA_PACKAGE_DIR="/usr/local/ftp/pub/vegadisk/unix" VENDOR="sgi" VIS_DIR="/usr/local/projects/Vis" VR="/usr/local/projects/VR" VR_DIR="/usr/local/projects/VR" Vis="/usr/local/projects/Vis" WATCH="\'\'" WATCHFMT="\'%n has %a %l from %m.\'" WINEDITOR="\'\'" WORDCHARS="\'*?_-.[]~=/&;!#$%^(){}<>\'" ZIPOPT="\'-n\'" ZSH_NAME="zsh" ZSH_VERSION="3.0.0" backup="/usr/local/backup" each="\'sgi" f="ztouch" ftp="/usr/local/ftp" gnumake="gnumake" histchars="\'!^#\'" htdocs="/usr/local/httpd/htdocs" httpd="/usr/local/httpd" projects="/usr/local/projects" reporter_OSVersion="IRIX_6.2" reporter_junkiequotes="yes" status="1" str="\'IRIX knieriem 6.2 03131015 IP22\'" toolkits="/usr/local/toolkits" trash="/usr/admin/dumpster" xemacs="\'\'" prompt='test%' # Array variables. argv=() '*'=() cdpath=() fignore=(.) files=(BabelViewer IOdump IOsort MakeTeXPK Mosaic Mosaic-indy- Mosaic-indy-2.5 Pnews RGBdraw Rnmail a2p a2ps addftinfo aed5 afm2tfm afmtodit answer appletviewer arch2rad arepdaemon audiocompose audiosend autoreply avs avs.sav b2m bash bgraph binhex bison c++ c2ph calc cfengine cgbackup cgnetspeed cgquotas cgrestore checkalias cnt colorscale cppstdin ctags cv cvd dayfact ddd debugcal dev dgraph disdvi dxfcvt eibyte eibyte2 eigmmc eigmv1 eigmv2 eigmv3 eigmv4 eigpc1 eigpc3 eigpc4 eigpc5 eigpc8 eigpc8.conf eigpc8w eigpc9 eigpca eigsg1 eigsg3 eigvs0 eigvs4 elm elmalias emacs emacs-19.27 emacsclient eqn etags ev evar extcompose falsecolor fastmail fax2ps fax2tiff filter find2perl findglare flex flex++ formail frm frommac funzip g++ gcc gcc.stripped gcc.unstripped gcomp genblinds genbox genclass genclass4 genclock genprism genrev gensky gensurf genworm geqn getbbox getfilename getinfo gftodvi gftopk gftype gif2tiff gindxbib glare glarendx glookbib gneqn gnu gnuclient gnudoit gnumake gnumake-3.75 gnutar gperf gpic grefer greyscale grodvi groff grog grolj4 grops grotty gsoelim gtbl gunzip gzexe gzip h2ph hexbin hostfinger hpftodit hrefs ies2rad igraph imagew impress include indxbib iozone irc irc-2.3.22beta ircflush ircserv irix4-zip ispell itool ivpict ivprep java java_g javac javac_g javadoc javah javah_g javap javap_g lam lampcolor less lesskey listalias lkbib lockfile lookamb lookbib lterm lynx macsave macstream macunpack mailserver mailstat mailto mailto-hebrew makeindex man2html messages meta2tga metamail metasend mft mgf2meta mgf2rad mhonarc mimencode mips-sgi-irix5.2 mips-sgi-irix5.2-gcc mkillum mmencode mpeg mpeg_play mpeg_play2 msgclnt msgserv mt160r mx80 neat neqn netscape netscapegold newalias newmail newsetup newsgroups nff2rad nfrm nmbd nmblookup normpat nroff obj2rad objpict objview oconv oki20 oki20c old paintjet pal2rgb patch-metamail pcomb pcompos pdbtoview perl perl4.036 pexpand pextrem pfbtops pfd2tfm pfilt pflip pgp pic pinterp pktogf pktype pkunzip pkzip plot4 plotin pltotf povray ppm2tiff print printbib printbibkey printmail printpdr procmail protate protoize psbb psign psmeta psort pstruct pvalue python python-fat python-light ra_avs ra_bn ra_gif ra_pict ra_ppm ra_pr ra_pr24 ra_ps ra_rgbe ra_t8 ra_t16 ra_tiff rad rad2mgf raddepend raplayer ras2tiff rcalc rcs-checkin rcvAppleSingle readmsg real-irc receiveAppleSingle refer replmarks rgb2ycbcr rgbto richtoatk rlux rmake rman rpict rpiece rtrace rview s2p sendAppleSingle sfhead sfhead.cfg sfincl sfinfo sfmake sfman sfmap sfname sgi2tiff showaudio showexternal shownonascii showpartial showpicture smbclient smbd smbpasswd smbrun smbstatus smbtar sndAppleSingle soelim soundplay2raven 'soundplay2raven~' splitmail stopjob stopjob.exe sun-audio-file sun-audio-file.csh sun-message.csh sun-to-mime sun-to-mime.csh sun2mime sxpm t4014 tabfunc tangle tbl tclsh tclsh7.6 testparm tetris tf tfmtodit tftopl thf2rad thumbnail tiff2bw tiff2ps tiffcmp tiffcp tiffdither tiffdump tiffgt tiffinfo tiffmedian tiffsplit tiffsv tkman tkman.sav tmesh2rad tomac total trad trn troff ttyimage unprotoize unzip unzipsfx vftovp volvis vptovf vrweb vwright weave webspace wish wish4.2 wnewmail wserv x11meta xanim xdvi xemacs xemacs-19.12 xengine xform xglaresrc ximage xplaygizmo xrn xshowtrace xv zcat zcmp zdiff zforce zgrep zip zipcloak zipgrep zipinfo zipnote zipsplit zipxgizmo zircon zmore znew zsh zsh-3.0.0 ztouch) fpath=(/usr/admin/Unix/zsh/function) ftphosts=( groups=(sys root daemon bin adm mail uucp rje lp nuucp user other demos guest grafik mailing foreign insti www wwwadm ftp ftpadm pcnfs pov dynsys3d) mailpath=() manpath=(/usr/share/catman /usr/share/man /usr/catman /usr/man /usr/local/man) path=(/usr/admin/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/sbin /usr/bsd /sbin /usr/bin /bin /etc /usr/etc /usr/gfx /usr/bin/X11) psvar=() reply=('~rft/Scratch/reporter') signals=(EXIT HUP INT QUIT ILL TRAP IOT EMT FPE KILL BUS SEGV SYS PIPE ALRM TERM USR1 USR2 CLD PWR WINCH URG POLL STOP TSTP CONT TTIN TTOU VTALRM PROF XCPU XFSZ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 RTMIN ZERR DEBUG) watch=() # Exported variables. export TERMCAP export TERM export AMS_CONFIG=mips--irix5.3-a export AMS_DIR=/usr/local/projects/VEGA/AMS export CLUSTER=stellaris:salome:titus:schnoferl:weinberl:leim:knieriem export EDITOR='emacs -nw' export HOME=/usr/admin export HZ=100 export LANG=C export LOCALHOSTS=raven:radwawana:launzatte:zwirn:stellaris:salome:titus:schnoferl:weinberl:leim:knieriem export LOGNAME=sysadm export MAIL=/usr/mail/sysadm export MANPATH=/usr/share/catman:/usr/share/man:/usr/catman:/usr/man:/usr/local/man export PATH=/usr/admin/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/etc:/usr/etc:/usr/gfx:/usr/bin/X11 export PRINTER=RavenPrinter export PWD=/usr/local/bin export export REMOTELOGIN=1 export REMOTEUSER=rft export RTFLIBDIR=/usr/admin/Unix/lib export SAVE_RM=del export SHELL=/usr/local/bin/zsh export SHLVL=1 export TERM=vt100 export TZ=CET-1CEST,89/02:00:00,300/03:00:00 export USER=sysadm export VEGA_ARCHIVE_DIR=/usr/local/backup/packages export VEGA_DIR=/usr/local/projects/VEGA export VEGA_MANPAGE_DIR=/usr/local/man/cat3/VEGA export VEGA_PACKAGE_DIR=/usr/local/ftp/pub/vegadisk/unix export VIS_DIR=/usr/local/projects/Vis export VR_DIR=/usr/local/projects/VR export WINEDITOR='' export ZIPOPT='-n' export xemacs='' # Setopt. setopt Current option settings setopt allexport off setopt alwayslastprompt off setopt alwaystoend on setopt appendhistory on setopt autocd on setopt autolist on setopt automenu on setopt autonamedirs on setopt autoparamkeys on setopt autoparamslash off setopt autopushd on setopt autoremoveslash on setopt autoresume off setopt braceccl off setopt bsdecho off setopt cdablevars off setopt chaselinks off setopt completealiases off setopt completeinword on setopt correct off setopt correctall off setopt cshjunkiehistory off setopt cshjunkieloops off setopt cshjunkiequotes setopt cshjunkiequotes off setopt cshnullglob off setopt errexit off setopt extendedglob on setopt extendedhistory off setopt globassign off setopt globcomplete off setopt globdots off setopt globsubst off setopt histallowclobber on setopt histignoredups on setopt histignorespace on setopt histnostore on setopt histverify on setopt ignorebraces off setopt ignoreeof off setopt ksharrays off setopt kshoptionprint on setopt listambiguous on setopt listtypes on setopt localoptions off setopt login on setopt longlistjobs on setopt magicequalsubst on setopt mailwarning off setopt markdirs off setopt menucomplete off setopt monitor off setopt nobadpattern on setopt nobanghist on setopt nobeep on setopt nobgnice off setopt noclobber on setopt noequals off setopt noexec off setopt noflowcontrol on setopt nofunctionargzero off setopt noglob off setopt nohashcmds off setopt nohashdirs off setopt nohashlistall off setopt nohistbeep off setopt nohup on setopt nolistbeep off setopt nomultios off setopt nonomatch off setopt nonotify off setopt nopromptcr off setopt norcs off setopt noshortloops off setopt nounset off setopt nullglob off setopt numericglobsort on setopt overstrike off setopt pathdirs off setopt posixbuiltins off setopt printexitvalue off setopt privileged off setopt promptsubst on setopt pushdignoredups on setopt pushdminus off setopt pushdsilent on setopt pushdtohome on setopt rcexpandparam on setopt rcquotes on setopt recexact off setopt rmstarsilent off setopt shfileexpansion off setopt shglob off setopt shinstdin off setopt shoptionletters off setopt shwordsplit off setopt singlecommand off setopt singlelinezle off setopt sunkeyboardhack off setopt verbose off setopt xtrace off setopt zle off # END zsh saveset ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert F. Tobler - tel:+43(1)58801-4585,fax:5874932 Institute of Computer Graphics - Vienna University of Technology -