Hi: I need some help and I do not know to where to turn. If I am in the wrong department then please let me know. I was directed to “Oh My Zsh” by the book: "Taking Control of the Mac Command Line in Terminal”. I downloaded the app which was confirmed when my prompt changed. I downloaded OMZ via **curl** | `sh -c “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)”`. I have zsh 5.8.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin21.0). The two problems that I have are: 1. I get a message: Last login: Sat Jun 24 22:00:35 on ttys000 You have mail. /Users/frederick/.zshrc:131: parse error near `\n’ frederick@Fredericks-MacBook-Pro-269 ~ % I have looked through .zshrc and I can not find that error. 2. Also no matter what I change my theme to for example: ZSH_THEME=“terminalparty” there is no difference to my terminal screen. I have tried terminalparty, avit, “” (i.e. none) and robbyrussell. While I would like my prompt back, I can live without it as long as I can rectify the two above problems. I would appreciate if some one could offer some help. Thank you, Frederick