#compdef mtr _arguments -s -S \ '(H -F --filename)'{-F,--filename}'[read hostnames from a file]' \ '(H -6)-4[use IPv4 only]' \ '(H -4)-6[use IPv6 only]' \ '(H -I --interface)'{-I+,--interface=}'[use named network interface]: :_net_interfaces' \ '(H -a --address)'{-a+,--address=}'[bind outgoing packets to specific interface]:source IP:_hosts' \ '(H -f --first-ttl)'{-f+,--first-ttl=}'[specify TTL to start]:TTL [1]' \ '(H -m --max-ttl)'{-m+,--max-ttl=}'[specify maximum number of hops to probe]:hops [30]' \ '(H -U --max-unknown)'{-U+,--max-unknown=}'[specify maximum unknown hosts]:maximum [5]' \ '(H -P --port)'{-P+,--port=}'[specify target port for TCP, SCTP or UDP]:port' \ '(H -L --localport -T --tcp -S --sctp)'{-L+,--localport=}'[specify source port number for UDP]' \ '(H -s --psize 2)'{-s+,--psize=}'[packet size]:packet size (bytes)' \ '(H -B --bitpattern)'{-B+,--bitpattern=}'[specify bit pattern to use in payload]:number (0-255)' \ '(H -i --interval)'{-i+,--interval=}'[specify ping interval]:interval (seconds)' \ '(H -G --gracetime)'{-G+,--gracetime=}'[specify time to wait for responses]:wait time (seconds)' \ '(H -Q --tos)'{-Q+,--tos=}'[specify type of service for IP header]:tos (0-255)' \ '(H -e --mpls)'{-e,--mpls}'[display ICMP MPLS information]' \ '(H -Z --timeout)'{-Z+,--timeout=}'[specify how long to keep probe sockets open before giving up on the connection]:timeout (seconds)' \ '(H -r --report)'{-r,--report}'[report mode]' \ '(H -w --report-wide)'{-w,--report-wide}"[wide report mode\: don't truncate hostnames]" \ '(H -c --report-cycles)'{-c+,--report-cycles=}'[report cycles]:number of pings' \ '(H)--displaymode=[select initial display mode]:display mode:((0\:statistics 1\:stripchart\ with\ latency 2\:stripchart\ without\ latency))' \ '(H -n --no-dns)'{-n,--no-dns}'[no DNS lookups]' \ '(H -b --show-ips)'{-b,--show-ips}'[show both IP numbers and host names]' \ '(H -o --order)'{-o+,--order=}'[specify order of output fields]: :_values -S "" "field order" "L[loss ratio]" "D[dropped packets]" "R[received packets]" "S[sent packets]" "N[newest RTT]" "B[min/best RTT]" "A[average RTT]" "W[max/worst RTT]" "V[standard deviation]" "G[geometric mean]" "J[current jitter]" "M[jitter mean/average]" "X[worst jitter]" "I[interarrival jitter]"' \ '(H -z --aslookup -y --ipinfo)'{-y+,--ipinfo=}'[select IP information in output]:information:((0\:display\ AS\ number 1\:display\ IP\ prefix 2\:display\ country\ code 3\:display\ RIR 4\:display\ allocation\ date))' \ '(H -y --ipinfo -z --aslookup)'{-z,--aslookup}'[display AS number]' \ '(H)1:destination host:_hosts' \ '(H)2:packet size (bytes)' \ + '(H)' \ '(- 1 2)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' \ '(- 1 2)'{-v,--version}'[display version information]' \ + '(proto)' \ '(H)'{-u,--udp}'[use UDP instead of ICMP echo]' \ '(H -s --psize)'{-T,--tcp}'[use TCP instead of ICMP echo]' \ '(H)'{-S,--sctp}'[use SCTP instead of ICMP echo]' \ + '(output)' \ '(H)'{-t,--curses}'[curses UI]' \ '(H)'{-g,--gtk}'[GTK+ UI]' \ '(H)'{-p,--split}'[output for a split-user interface]' \ '(H)'{-l,--raw}'[output raw format]' \ '(H)'{-C,--csv}'[output comma separated values]' \ '(H)'{-j,--json}'[output JSON]' \ '(H)'{-x,--xml}'[output XML]'