Hi again, On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 9:53 PM, Bart Schaefer wrote: > I went on vacation for a while immediately after this discussion, so it > got left sitting for a bit. > > [clip clip clip] Built 5.3.1-dev-1 with your changes. Upon testing, I found that the original issues of the right prompt is still there when switching between walters and either bart or adam2. The right prompt appears on the right side of second line of the prompt. But unlike previous versions of zsh where unset RPROMPT was needed to remove the unwanted prompt, you now have to type unset RPS1 ?? I know that walters was changed to replace RPROMPT with RPS1, which I though would correct this issue. Can anyone verify that they are seeing the same thing, or is it just something I'm not doing correctly. BTW, was there any reason for changing walters' appearance? It now does underlining instead of the colors as in previous versions of zsh. Thanks, Jim