Hi again, Update: Tried to isolate what causes the 'out of memory' errors and found that if I added quotes the error stopped. CL=${(0A)"$(< /proc/$P/cmdline)"} # OK CL=${(0A)$(< /proc/$P/cmdline)} # out of memory error I had another script and it worked without the quotes. Compared the two and found the other script had the option 'extendedglob' set. After adding the option to the script I attached in the original email the 'out of memory' errors stopped when there are no quotes. Not sure what globbing has to do with this. Hopefully someone can enlighten me. But even so, should zsh ever fail with an 'out of memory' error? Again, it only happens after exiting 'edit-command-line'. Regards, Jim On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 10:47 PM Jim wrote: > Hi everyone, > > ZSH_VERSION: 5.8 (Distribution, Devuan, still hasn't update) > $ZSH_PATCHLEVEL: debian/5.8-6+deb11u1 > default editor nvim version v0.4.4 > Also tested with VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 > terminal emulators/multiplexer: tmux, xfce4-terminal, st, and > kitty(checked on all) > > .zshrc > autoload -Uz edit-command-line > zle -N edit-command-line > bindkey -M vicmd v edit-command-line > > Created an anonymous function(see attachment ps_via_zsh) by entering > edit-command-line > which seems to work ok after exiting editor and hitting enter. But > then(after adding code) started > getting out of memory errors(see attachment out_of_memory). When I recall > the anonymous > function from history and execute, no error. Started commenting out lines > and found that the issues > stops with the line: > > CL=${(0A)$( > commented out. Splitting line found issue to be with > CL=${(0A)$( Again, recalling from history -- no edit-command-line -- no error. > BTW: /proc//cmdline uses NULL as the separator. > > QUESTION: Bug, or am I doing something stupid? Or something with nvim and > vim? > > Thanks for listening, > > Jim Murphy >