Hello zsh Team,

These are my specs;

Slackware 14.1 x86_64
Nvidia GTX660M - nvidia drivers 331.67

I'm using this option to have a live clock in my ~/.zshrc

     zle reset-prompt

In URxvt it constantly flashes, in xterm it flashes on and off more randomly, and I also noticed in xterm the entire directory appears to get brighter as well as flashing.

So as example, 'cd /etc/' then tap tab to see the directory, try this in a directory with a small amount of directories, or open the term full screen to see a huge directory, but play with it, and at that point the terminal starts flashing.

I have not been able to find a fix for this, the only temporary solution is to increase the time, as an example below;


Then it's not so noticeable, around every 10 seconds you see a flash, but this is also not good because when the time changes, the terminal will not change till 10 seconds later, there's a lag doing this.

I hope the zsh team can fix this problem, and if you need my help please contact me.

I'm attaching a copy of my ~/.zshrc and I created a short video called, zsh_flicker.m4v that you can download from my dropbox;


If you look carefully you will see the directory flashing every second.

Thank you much for your time and help in this matter.

Mii Bolen