On Sep 29, 2014 1:53 PM, "Bart Schaefer" wrote: > > > On Sep 29, 2014 12:52 PM, "Peter Stephenson" wrote: > > > > I haven't yet looked at dump files. That's partly becuase I don't > > understand them and partly because I don't use them. Any hints would be > > great. > > By dump files do you mean zcompile? > I fear I'm not of much help there. A thought: My first idea when this came up was to alter the wordcode for functions with redirections to explicitly add the implicit set of braces, e.g., foo () { echo foo } >&3 becomes foo () { { echo foo } >&3 } Then it would not be necessary to mess with printing/dumping etc. of the definition, or invent a new place to store the redirections. Yeah, output of "functions" et al. becomes a little less faithful but so what? Sadly I never managed to make that work, but maybe the concept is helpful for dump file creation.