Returning 2.5 years later ... > On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 7:06 PM vapnik spaknik wrote: > > > > adds options for selecting a background colour &/or blinking when creating a new sticky note, and automatically adds the appropriate escape codes. The attached revision of sticky-note (which requires the current development version of zsh for ${| code } and namespaces) implements these in a more satisfactory way, by keeping a second file of assigned display attributes alongside the history-formatted file that stores the notes themselves. The assignment of colors, blinking, etc. is now activated by a key binding rather than a command line option, and is customizable by a style. I have not implemented "stacking" of styles at this point, so if you want to change black-on-yellow to blinking-white-on-red, you'll need a single display name for the latter. I'm sure there are undiscovered bugs with this, so mess around if interested. On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 1:50 PM Bart Schaefer wrote: > > There are a few reasonable suggestions here mixed with quite a number > of things that could be improved. Adding noflowcontrol to the setopts > is probably a good idea, and passing "-e" to vared should at least be > configurable. These are implemented in the attached version. Several vared options can now be controlled with zstyle :sticky-note vared-options ... Read the large comment at the top of the file for a description of what you can do, with some examples. This should eventually go into the contributions doc. > That also caused me to notice that interrupting > sticky-note with a keyboard interrupt (^C) can cause old notes to > disappear, so that should be fixed. I haven't tracked that down yet. Also yet to be fixed is expiring lines from the display file when the corresponding lines expire from the history. > Having the note blink while it is being edited is rather > weird/distracting even if you want it to blink when displayed later. The name of the current selected display style is displayed in the PREDISPLAY string during editing. As a final note, I found an error in the doc for "vared": ... If the -e flag is given, typing ^D (Control-D) on an empty line causes vared to exit immediately with a non-zero return value. This should say "in an empty note" not "empty line". It only works if the whole note would be blank.