On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 5:37 PM Bart Schaefer wrote: > Sorry, what is "zlewidget" exactly? > Oops. I got it from Peter a long time ago: https://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2014/msg00270.html My version has been modified to allow an empty KEY value to be able to avoid the bindkey at the end: function zlewidget # KEY WIDGET [FUNCTION] { # bindkey KEY to new WIDGET, possibly implemented by optional FUNCTION. # FUNCTION defaults to WIDGET and will be marked for autoload -Uz. # If KEY is an empty string, the bindkey call is skipped. local key=$1 local widget=$2 local func=${3:-$2} autoload -Uz $func zle -N $widget $func [[ -z $key ]] || bindkey $key $widget } Does this help? [... patch elided ...] > Yup, that works well for me. Thanks! ..wayne..