With this patch the list is instant fast. It can be seen here: https://youtu.be/jwBZY6fmQHs (the zprof result – 1.9x speed up – doesn't fully express how fast is the list) I attach results for browsing the list and searching through it. Searching is faster 2.15 times and 1.88 times. What's interesting is lower RES for the new patch. It's like with the new patch RES can easier go down after peak. I once saw 179M after peak of ~400M. The two-patches version can also go down, but maybe not that easy. So this is quite confusing. I think a more synthetic testing is needed to recognize how the memory behaves. Now I manually open a script, give it a work, run htop. Maybe the patch isn't that bad? Instant fast list is a great thing for me. Best regards, Sebastian Gniazdowski