When multios option is set, the below two command are equivalent: $ echo a >/tmp/test >/tmp/test1 $ echo a >/tmp/test1 >/tmp/test Both command write `a` to `/tmp/test` and `/tmp/test1`. Now to simulate `tee` command: $ echo a >&1 >/tmp/test or: $ echo a >/dev/stdout >/tmp/test work as expected, `a` was written to standard output as well as `/tmp/test`. But swapping the redirection order produce different behavior: $ echo a >/tmp/test >&1 write two lines `a` to file `/tmp/test`. >From user perspective, this behavior seems to be in-consistent to me. I read the documentation but find no information about this case. Is this behavior intended? Cuong Manh Le https://cuonglm.xyz