With the following (minimal) .zshrc: zmodload zsh/complist zstyle ':completion:*' menu select yes interactive autoload -Uz compinit compinit If I finish the word that is being completed myself, then press space, it starts completing for the next word, but if I then accept a completion for that word, it then replaces *both* words that I typed during completion. https://asciinema.org/a/189304 shows an illustration of this. This is very unexpected behaviour. I would expect pressing a space during interactive menu selection to stop the current completion and insert a space after what has been typed so far. Or at least that is how I would like it to happen, but as far as I can tell there isn't a way to accomplish that. I have tried using `bindkey -M menuselect ' ' self-insert`, but that doesn't make a difference. `bindkey -M menuselect ' ' accept-line` makes it so a space is treated the same as enter, which is less surprising, but is a little annoying if I start the completion, realize that the completion doesn't have the option I actually need, type the real option, then press space. I've also tried creating a custom zle widget that calls `zle send-break` and then `zle self-insert`. And bind space to that widget, but that doesn't work either (it looks like it acts the same as `accept-line`. This seems like a bug to me. Thayne McCombs