Dear Zsh developers: This bug is similar to zsh-worker 36763 but different. With zsh commit 827d360, I have no problems in pasting CJK payloads with an empty ~/.zshrc, while problems occur with my own ~/.zshrc. It's a strange bug. Please tell me if you can't reproduce it. I'll test on more platforms. Environment: OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Compiler: gcc-multilib 5.2.0-2 Shell: zsh-git 5.1.1.r91.g827d360-1 This is built using the build script at [1]. Options given to ./configure can be found there I've also installed openbsd-netcat 1.105_7-7 for testing purpose The minimal ~/.zshrc causing this bug: autoload -Uz bracketed-paste-magic zle -N bracketed-paste bracketed-paste-magic zmodload zsh/net/tcp ztcp localhost 12345 Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the packages mentioned above 2. Run 'nc -l 12345' 3. Copy "中文" in X11 I copied them from my browser, Firefox 4. Paste it in the terminal I'm using xfce4-terminal. Ctrl+Shift+V does the trick. Expected result: "中文" is pasted Actual result: "df" is pasted Notes: 1. If there's nothing listening at port 12345, ztcp fails as expected and pasting CJK payloads works 2. Whether it's helpful or not, "中文" in UTF-8 is \xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87 Best Regards, Yen Chi Hsuan [1]