I have found a bug with the _expand completer regarding the format style. zshcompsys(1) states the following about the _expand completer: The format string for all-expansions and for expansions may contain the sequence `%o' which will be replaced by the original string from the line. However, the all-expansions tag does not actually expand %o unlike the expansions tag. I am using zsh v5.2, but have confirmed the bug's presence upstream as well. This behavior can be reproduced as follows: * Include the _expand completer in your completer style * bindkey '^I' complete-word * zstyle ':completions:*:*expansions' format '>%d for [%o]' % cd $(mktemp -d) % touch foo bar % print * >expansions for [*] bar foo >all-expansions for [] bar foo I believe the problem is the lack of a _description all-expansions expl all-expansions "o:$word" line in Completion/Base/Completer/_expand. I was able to fix the issue by adding that line under line 210 of the _expand completer, but I don't know enough about the completion system guts to determine if this is the ideal solution or not. I don't believe I have received a subscription confirmation email yet, so would you kindly CC replies to xzeroknightx [AT] gmail [DOT] com ? Regards, Alex George