Hi, I believe I found a bug in `vi-change-whole-line`. Minimal zshrc allowing to reproduce the issue: ``` bindkey -v ``` ## Steps to reproduce: 1. type 2 words, for example `word1 word2` 2. enter vicmd mode and move cursor to the beginning of first word (`esc` `0`) 3. use `vi-change` to change word then go back to vicmd (`c` `w` `esc`) 4. use `vi-change-whole-line` ## Expected result: Kill the current line and enter insert mode. ## Actual result: The line is killed but the cursor is positioned one place to the right making the line not empty (line contains single space) I attach gif recording presenting the issue. zsh version: 5.6.2 (x86_64-debian-linux-gnu) All the best, Kuba