Hi! I found a segfault bug on ZSH 5.2, but is confirmed that can be reproduced in master. Steps to reproduce: 1. Run a `zsh -f` 2. Set this config. ``` zstyle :compinstall filename "${HOME}/.zshrc" autoload -Uz compinit compinit zstyle ':completion:*' menu select interactive zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format '%BNo matching %b%d' unsetopt menu_complete auto_list ``` 3. Start write a command. For example, write `ba` 4. Press tab to show options (interactive mode appears) 5. Write a letter that not mach with any option (to generate a completion warning) 6. Press backspace Tachan! zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) danielsh, on IRC, send this coredump: http://sprunge.us/BXDU Greetings. -- Óscar García Amor | ogarcia@connectical.com Connectical | http://connectical.com