I'm not subscribed, so please address replies directly to me. echo $ZSH_VERSION %/Volumes/RAM Disk/test(0) 4.3.4 ___ ls %/Volumes/RAM Disk/test(0) wordpress-tagline-field-nq8.png wordpress-tagline-field.png ___ du -b tagline %/Volumes/RAM Disk/test(0) [I hit tab after “tagline”] du -b -wordpresstagline-field %/Volumes/RAM Disk/test(0) Notice the appearance of the first hyphen in the wrong position. I use the vi settings (EDITOR=vim). I'm running Mac OS X 10.4.10 on a Mac Pro two-by-two 2.66 GHz. I configured with: ./configure --enable-pcre --enable-cap --enable-multibyte PCRE information from /usr/local/include/pcre.h: #define PCRE_MAJOR 7 #define PCRE_MINOR 2 #define PCRE_PRERELEASE #define PCRE_DATE 2007-06-19 Also, I use zshcompsys. I can send you .zcompdump if you want it.